dr inż. Adam Brzeski
- Assistant professor at Department of Computer Architecture
total: 47
Catalog Publications
Year 2023
AngioScore: An artificial intelligence tool to assess coronary artery lesions
PublicationThe functionality scope of the AngioScore tool in semi-automatic assessment of stenoses according to the SYNTAX scale was presented. An evaluation of the preliminary accuracy of AngioScore in lesion assessment was performed.
Visual Features for Improving Endoscopic Bleeding Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationThe presented paper investigates the problem of endoscopic bleeding detection in endoscopic videos in the form of a binary image classification task. A set of definitions of high-level visual features of endoscopic bleeding is introduced, which incorporates domain knowledge from the field. The high-level features are coupled with respective feature descriptors, enabling automatic capture of the features using image processing methods....
Year 2022
Creating a radiological database for automatic liver segmentation using artificial intelligence.
PublicationImaging in medicine is an irreplaceable stage in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The subsequent therapeutic effect depends on the quality of the imaging tests performed. In recent years we have been observing the evolution of 2D to 3D imaging for many medical fields, including oncological surgery. The aim of the study is to present a method of selection of radiological imaging tests for learning neural networks.
Year 2021
Semantic segmentation training using imperfect annotations and loss masking
PublicationOne of the most significant factors affecting supervised neural network training is the precision of the annotations. Also, in a case of expert group, the problem of inconsistent data annotations is an integral part of real-world supervised learning processes, well-known to researchers. One practical example is a weak ground truth delineation for medical image segmentation. In this paper, we have developed a new method of accurate...
Year 2020
Automated Classifier Development Process for Recognizing Book Pages from Video Frames
PublicationOne of the latest developments made by publishing companies is introducing mixed and augmented reality to their printed media (e.g. to produce augmented books). An important computer vision problem that they are facing is classification of book pages from video frames. The problem is non-trivial, especially considering that typical training data is limited to only one digital original per book page, while the trained classifier...
Year 2019
Evaluating Performance and Accuracy Improvements for Attention-OCR
PublicationIn this paper we evaluated a set of potential improvements to the successful Attention-OCR architecture, designed to predict multiline text from unconstrained scenes in real-world images. We investigated the impact of several optimizations on model’s accuracy, including employing dynamic RNNs (Recurrent Neural Networks), scheduled sampling, BiLSTM (Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory) and a modified attention model. BiLSTM was...
Residual MobileNets
PublicationAs modern convolutional neural networks become increasingly deeper, they also become slower and require high computational resources beyond the capabilities of many mobile and embedded platforms. To address this challenge, much of the recent research has focused on reducing the model size and computational complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel residual depth-separable convolution block, which is an improvement of the basic...
Year 2017
Clothes Detection and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationIn this paper we describe development of a computer vision system for accurate detection and classification of clothes for e-commerce images. We present a set of experiments on well established architectures of convolutional neural networks, including Residual networks, SqueezeNet and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD). The clothes detection network was trained and tested on DeepFashion dataset, which contains box annotations...
Year 2016
Automatic Detection of Nerves in Confocal Corneal Images with Orientation-Based Edge Merging
PublicationThe paper presents an algorithm for improving results of automatic nerve detections in confocal microscopy images of human corneal. The method is designed as a postprocessing step of regular detection. After the nerves are initially detected, the algorithms attempts to improve the results by filling unde-sired gaps between single nerves detections in order to correctly mark the entire nerve instead of only parts of it. This approach...
Depth Images Filtering In Distributed Streaming
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a distributed system for point cloud processing and transferring them via computer network regarding to effectiveness-related requirements. We discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their usage for streaming optimization. For the filtering step of the stream pipeline processing we evaluate four filters: Voxel Grid, Radial Outliner Remover, Statistical Outlier Removal and Pass Through....
PublicationIn this paper we discuss the comparison of point cloud filters focusing on their applicability for streaming optimization. For the filtering stage within a stream pipeline processing we evaluate three filters: Voxel Grid, Pass Through and Statistical Outlier Removal. For the filters we perform series of the tests aiming at evaluation of changes of point cloud size and transmitting frequency (various fps ratio). We propose a distributed...
Towards Healthcare Cloud Computing
PublicationIn this paper we present construction of a software platform for supporting medical research teams, in the area of impedance cardiography, called IPMed. Using the platform, research tasks will be performed by the teams through computer-supported cooperative work. The platform enables secure medical data storing, access to the data for research group members, cooperative analysis of medical data and provide analysis supporting tools...
Year 2014
A Regular Expression Matching Application with Configurable Data Intensity for Testing Heterogeneous HPC Systems
PublicationModern High Performance Computing (HPC) systems are becoming increasingly heterogeneous in terms of utilized hardware, as well as software solutions. The problems, that we wish to efficiently solve using those systems have different complexity, not only considering magnitude, but also the type of complexity: computation, data or communication intensity. Developing new mechanisms for dealing with those complexities or choosing an...
Accelerating Video Frames Classification With Metric Based Scene Segmentation
PublicationThis paper addresses the problem of the efficient classification of images in a video stream in cases, where all of the video has to be labeled. Realizing the similarity of consecutive frames, we introduce a set of simple metrics to measure that similarity. To use these observations for decreasing the number of necessary classifications, we propose a scene segmentation algorithm. Performed experiments have evaluated the acquired...
Accelerometer-based Human Activity Recognition and the Impact of the Sample Size
PublicationThe presented study focused on the recognition of eight user activities (e.g. walking, lying, climbing stairs) basing on the measurements from an accelerometer embedded in a mobile device. It is assumed that the device is carried in a specific location of the user’s clothing. Three types of classifiers were tested on different sizes of the samples. The influence of the time window (the duration of a single trial) on selected activities...
Color-based Detection of Bleeding in Endoscopic Images
PublicationIn this paper a color descriptor designed for bleeding detection in endoscopic images is proposed. The development of the algorithm was carried out on a representative training set of 36 images of bleeding and 25 clear images. Another 38 bleeding and 26 normal images were used in the final stage as a test set. All of the considered images were extracted from separate endoscopic examinations. The experiments include color distribution...
Data Mining Applications and Methods in Medicine
PublicationIn this paper we describe the research area of data mining and its applications in medicine. The origins of data mining and its crucial features are shortly presented. We discuss the specificity of medicine as an application area for computer systems. Characteristic features of the medical data are investigated. Common problems in the area are also presented as well as the strengths and capabilities of the data mining methods....
Merging Images from Parallel Depth Cameras
PublicationIn this paper a problem of simultaneous information acquisition from multiple depth cameras is investigated, aiming at obtaining single overall picture containing information from all cameras. The experiments are carried out on Microsoft Kinect devices. A methodology for merging images from multiple positioned in a line cameras is proposed. The method is based on the concept of simulating a view of an imaginary camera covering...
Obtaining a Well-Trained Artificial Intelligence Algorithm from Cross-Validation in Endoscopy
PublicationThe article shortly discusses endoscopic video analysis problems and artificial intelligence algorithms supporting it. The most common method of efficiency testing of these algorithms is to perform intensive cross-validation. This allows for accurately evaluate their performance of generalization. One of the main problems of this procedure is that there is no simple and universal way of obtaining a specific instance of a well-trained...
Relation-based Wikipedia Search System for Factoid Questions Answering
PublicationIn this paper we propose an alternative keyword search mechanism for Wikipedia, designed as a prototype solution towards factoid questions answering. The method considers relations between articles for finding the best matching article. Unlike the standard Wikipedia search engine and also Google engine, which search the articles content independently, requiring the entire query to be satisfied by a single article, the proposed...
Towards Facts Extraction From Texts in Polish Language
PublicationThe Polish language differs from English in many ways. It has more complicated conjugation and declination. Because of that automatic facts extraction from texts is difficult. In this paper we present basic differences between those languages. The paper presents an algorithm for extraction of facts from articles from Polish Wikipedia. The algorithm is based on 7 proposed facts schemes that are searched for in the analyzed text....
Visual Features for Endoscopic Bleeding Detection
PublicationAims: To define a set of high-level visual features of endoscopic bleeding and evaluate their capabilities for potential use in automatic bleeding detection. Study Design: Experimental study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Computer Architecture, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, between March 2014 and May 2014. Methodology: The features have...
Year 2013
Algorytmy rozpoznawania zmian chorobowych
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono, opisano i porównano pod wzgledem skutecznosci wybrane algorytmy rozpoznawania chorób w filmach endoskopowych, zaimplementowane w ramach aplikacji Wspomagania Badan Medycznych. Dokonano oceny algorytmów w zaawansowanym srodowisku testowym, zbudowanym w oparciu o duzy zbiór obrazów z filmów endoskopowych, pozyskanych we współpracy z Gdanskim Uniwersytetem Medycznym. Jednoczesnie zaprezentowano sposób optymalizacji...
An Overview of Image Analysis Techniques in Endoscopic Bleeding Detection
PublicationAuthors review the existing bleeding detection methods focusing their attention on the image processing techniques utilised in the algorithms. In the article, 18 methods were analysed and their functional components were identified. The authors proposed six different groups, to which algorithms’ components were assigned: colour techniques, reflecting features of pixels as individual values, texture techniques, considering spatial...
Aplikacja MedEye dla diagnostyki układu pokarmowego
PublicationOmówiono problematyke badan endoskopowych za pomoca endoskopii kapsułkowej. Zaprezentowano główne komponenty oraz zakres funkcjonalnosci aplikacji MedEye, wspomagajacej tego typu diagnostyke. Na podstawie subiektywnych ocen lekarzy wyciagnieto ogólne wnioski na temat przydatnosci poszczególnych jej elementów. W podsumowaniu opisano perspektywy jej rozwoju i wdrozenia w srodowisku medycznym.
Endoscopic Videos Deinterlacing and On-Screen Text and Light Flashes Removal and Its Influence on Image Analysis Algorithms' Efficiency
PublicationIn this article, deinterlacing and removing on- screen text and light flashes methods on endoscopic video images are discussed. The research is intended to improve disease recognition algorithms' performance. In the article, four configurations of deinterlacing methods and another four configurations of text and flashes removal methods are described and examined. The efficiency of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is measured...
Funkcjonalność platformy KASKADA
PublicationPrzedstawiono opis funkcjonalności platformy KASKADA, a w szczególności jej architektury oprogramowania, mechanizmów zarządzania oraz biblioteki usług aplikacyjnych. Zaprezentowano poszczególne komponenty platformy, opisano ich budowę i implementację podstawowych funkcji, jak również zasygnalizowano problemy jakie wystąpiły podczas jej implementacji.
PublicationIn the article a new way of analyzing the properties of feature vector functions (FVF) and classiers of images in a video stream is proposed. The general idea is based on focusing of the perceived continuity of the FVF and classier functions. Issues related to creating an exact mathematical model are discussed and a simplied solution is proposed. An exemplary algorithm is evaluated on three exemplary video sequences. The acquired...
PublicationWith a set of 38 manually marked bleeding regions form endoscopic videos, the authors attempted to find an optimal image segmentation method for reproducing doctor’s markup. Mean shift segmentation combined with HSV histogram segmentation were used as a segmentation method, which was then optimized by tuning the parameters of the method using global optimization algorithm. A target function for measuring the quality of segmentation was...
PublicationIn the article a new training and testing method of endoscopic video analysis algorithms is presented. Classical methods take into account only eciency of recognizing objects on single video frames. Proposed method additionally considers stability of classiers output for real video input. The method is simple and can be trained on data sets created for other solutions. Therefore, it is easily applicable to existing endoscopic video...
PublicationComputer-assisted endoscopy is a rapidly developing eld of study. Many image anal- ysis algorithms exist, achieving very high rates of eciency at processing single endoscopic images. However, most of them were never tested in processing real-life endoscopic videos. In the article such tests of 16 endoscopy image analysis algorithms are presented and dis- cussed. Tests were performed on two real-life endoscopic videos of a human...
Real-Time Bleeding Detection in Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Examinations Video
PublicationThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition of bleedings. Emphasis has been put on adapting pre-existing algorithms dedicated to the detection of bleedings for real-time usage in a medical doctor’s office during an endoscopic examination. A real-time system for analyzing endoscopic videos has been designed according to the most significant requirements of medical doctors. The main goal of...
Scene Segmentation Basing on Color and Depth Images for Kinect Sensor
PublicationIn this paper we propose a method for segmenting single images from Kinect sensor by considering both color and depth information. The algorithm is based on a series of edge detection procedures designed for particular features of the scene objects. RGB and HSV color planes are separately analyzed in the first step with Canny edge detector, resulting in overall color edges mask. In depth images both clear boundaries and smooth...
Year 2012
An Overview of the Development of a Real-Time System for Endoscopic Video Classification
PublicationThe article presents the results of improving endoscopic image classification algorithms in an effort towards applying them in a real-time diagnosis supporting system. Methods for the detection and removal of personal data are presented and discussed. The currently developed recognition algorithms have been improved in terms of accuracy and performance to make them suitable for a real-life implementation. Their test results are...
Anonimizacja obrazów z nagrań endoskopowych w systemie wspomagania diagnostyki chorób przewodu pokarmowego
PublicationW artykule skoncentrowano sie na problemie anonimizacji obrazów z filmów endoskopowych w systemie wspomagania diagnostyki przewodu pokarmowego. Opisano źródła obrazów endoskopowych pod katem zawartosci danych personalnych. Zaproponowano algorytmy automatycznego usuwania tych danych, zbadano ich skutecznosc oraz dokonano oceny przydatnosciw systemie wspomagania diagnostyki.
Contour Analysis of Bleeding Regions in Endoscopic Images
PublicationThis paper investigates the problem of detecting bleeding regions in images acquired from endoscopic examinations of gastrointestinal tract. The purpose is to identify the characteristic features of bleeding areas' contours in order to develop an accurate method for discriminating between true bleeding regions and missed detections, which could lead to a significant reduction of the false alarm rate of existing blood-detection...
Dependable Integration of Medical Image Recognition Components
PublicationComputer driven medical image recognition may support medical doctors in the diagnosis process, but requires high dependability considering potential consequences of incorrect results. The paper presentsa system that improves dependability of medical image recognition by integration of results from redundant components. The components implement alternative recognition algorithms of diseases in thefield of gastrointestinal endoscopy....
Endoscopic Video Classification with the Consideration of Temporal Patterns
PublicationThe article describes a novel approach to automatic recognition and classification of diseases in endoscopic videos. Current directions of research in this field are discussed. Most presented methods focus on processing single frames and do not take into consideration the temporal relationship between continuous classifications. Existing approaches that consider the temporal structure of an incoming frame sequence are focused on...
Konstrukcja bazy danych dla systemu wspomagania diagnostyki chorób przewodu pokarmowego
PublicationW artykule krótko przedstawiono charakterystykę procesu diagnostyki chorób przewodu pokarmowego oraz istniejące techniki wspomagania go na bazie analizy zdjęć z badań endoskopowych. Szczegółowo opisano proces tworzenia specjalistycznej bazy danych medycznych, której przeznaczeniem jest wspomaganie procesu uczenia klasyfikatorów chorób przewodu pokarmowego. Na koniec przedstawiono zebrane w bazie dane oraz uzyskane efekty.
Merging Images From Parallel Depth Cameras
PublicationIn this paper a problem of simultaneous information acquisition from multiple depth cameras is investigated, aiming at obtaining single overall picture containing information from all cameras. The experiments are carried out on Microsoft Kinect devices. A methodology for merging images from multiple positioned in a line cameras is proposed. The method is based on the concept of simulating a view of an imaginary camera covering...
Ocena skuteczności wybranych metod klasyfikacji statycznych i dynamicznych gestów rąk
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono porównanie technik sztucznej inteligencji w aspekcie rozpoznawania statycznych i dynamicznych gestów rąk. Jako urządzenie wejściowe posłużyła bezprzewodowa elektroniczna rękawica e-Glove. Gesty rozpoznawane są w procesie analizy wartości sygnałów pochodzących z magnetometru i akcelerometrów trójosiowych. W referacie przedstawiono porównanie skuteczności wybranych technik zastosowanych w rozpoznawaniu gestów...
Real-Time Gastrointestinal Tract Video Analysis on a Cluster Supercomputer
PublicationThe article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition. Emphasis has been put on adapting existing algorithms detecting le- sions and bleedings for real time usage in a medical doctor's office during an en- doscopic examination. A system for diagnosis recommendation and disease detec- tion has been designed taking into account the limited mobility of the endoscope and the doctor's requirements. The...
The Influence of Selecting Regions from Endoscopic Video Frames on The Efficiency of Large Bowel Disease Recognition Algorithms
PublicationThe article presents our research in the field of the automatic diagnosis of large intestine diseases on endoscopic video. It focuses on the methods of selecting regions of interest from endoscopic video frames for further analysis by specialized disease recognition algorithms. Four methods of selecting regions of interest have been discussed: a. trivial, b. with the deletion of characteristic, endoscope specific additions to the...
Year 2011
Moduł gier miejskich dla elektronicznego przewodnika multimedialnego EGIT
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę dostępnych rozwiązań i platform gier miejskich oraz dokonano ich porównania. Przedstawiono koncepcję definiowania funkcjonalności modułu gier miejskich stanowiącego rozszerzenie przewodnika eGIT. Opisano architekturę komponentową elektonicznego, bezprzewodowego, multimedialnego przewodnika eGIT wraz z modułem gier miejskich. Przedstawiono proces integracji modułu z aplikacją bazową eGIT,...
Parallelization of video stream algorithms in kaskada platform
PublicationThe purpose of this work is to present different techniques of video stream algorithms parallelization provided by the Kaskada platform - a novel system working in a supercomputer environment designated for multimedia streams processing. Considered parallelization methods include frame-level concurrency, multithreading and pipeline processing. Execution performance was measured on four time-consuming image recognition algorithms,...
Parameters optimization in medicine supporting image recognition algorithms
PublicationIn this paper, a procedure of automatic set up of image recognition algorithms' parameters is proposed, for the purpose of reducing the time needed for algorithms' development. The procedure is presented on two medicine supporting algorithms, performing bleeding detection in endoscopic images. Since the algorithms contain multiple parameters which must be specified, empirical testing is usually required to optimise the algorithm's...
Rozpoznawanie chorób układu pokarmowego z wykorzystaniem technik sztucznej inteligencji
PublicationCelem pracy jest przedstawienie i ocena algorytmów rozpoznawania chorób w filmach endoskopowych pod kątem możliwości ich zastosowania do budowy systemów automatycznego wykrywania chorób dla rzeczywistego wspomagania badań lekarskich. Porównano efektywność najnowszych algorytmów poprzez pomiar ich skuteczności w zaawansowanym środowisku testowym, zbudowanym w oparciu o materiały z filmów endoskopowych, opracowane we współpracy z...
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