prof. dr hab. inż. Adam Szymkiewicz
- Professor at Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering
- Vice-Dean for Scientific Research at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Head of Department at Department of Geotechnical and Hydraulic Engineering
Social media
- adams@pg.edu.pl
- Workplace
Budynek Wydz. Hydrot.
room 312 open in new tab - Phone
- (58) 347 10 85
- adams@pg.edu.pl
Vice-Dean for Scientific Research
- Workplace
- Budynek " Żelbet" pokój 110
- Phone
- (58) 347 17 51, (58) 347 22 05
Head of Department
- Workplace
Budynek Wydz. Hydrot.
room 312 open in new tab - adams@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Estimation of groundwater recharge in a shallow sandy aquifer using unsaturated zone modeling and water table fluctuation method
Quantification of groundwater recharge is one of the most important issues in hydrogeology, especially in view of the ongoing changes in climate and land use. In this study, we use numerical models of 1D vertical flow in the vadose zone and the water table fluctuation (WTF) analysis to investigate local-scale recharge of a shallow sandy aquifer in the Brda outwash plain in northern Poland. We show that these two methods can be...
Infiltration in a double-porosity medium: Experiments and comparison with a theoretical model
This paper presents experimental verification of the mathematical model of unsaturated flow in double‐porosity soils developed by the asymptotic homogenization method. A series of one‐dimensional infiltration experiments was carried out in a column filled with a double‐porosity medium composed of a mixture of sand and sintered clayey spheres arranged in a periodic manner. The unsaturated hydraulic properties of each porous material...
Comparison of conductivity averaging methods for one-dimensional unsaturated flow in layered soils
W artykule przedstawiono numeryczne rozwiązania równania Richardsa, opisującego nieustalony przepływ wody w uwarstwionym gruncie nienasyconym. Przeanalizowano różne metody obliczania średniej przewodności hydraulicznej między węzłami siatki numerycznej oraz różne możliwości położenia węzłów względem granic warstw gruntu. Najlepsze wyniki otrzymano stosując metodę uśredniania stanowiącą adaptację wcześniejszej propozycji jednego...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science title
prof. dr hab. inż. Civil engineering and transport (Engineering and Technology) -
Obtained science degree
dr hab. inż. Civil engineering and transport (Engineering and Technology) -
Obtained science degree
dr inż. Environmental engineering (Technology)Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, Francja
seen 4453 times