Agata Ewa Chudzicka-Czupała - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge


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Agata Ewa Chudzicka-Czupała



She is a specialist in psychology (work and organizational psychology, health psychology). She works at the SWPS University, Department of Psychology, Poland. She conducts research in the field of health psychology, dealing with the psychological costs of volunteering, participation in traumatic events, determinants of mental health, and stress in difficult situations such as pandemics or war. In researching these phenomena, she works on a daily basis with psychologists and psychiatrists from around the world. She is a head of Interdisciplinary Center for Social Activity & Well-being Research FEEL & ACT WELL. She is interested in human morality, and psychological and social determinants of unethical behavior that take place in interpersonal relations in various environments. She is a member of the Moral Psychology Center. She studies the importance of moral judgments, moral disengagement strategies, trust, social support, and empathy. She agrees with David Hume's view that "both mind and feelings underlie almost all moral judgments". Her research results indicate that culture may be an additional important factor. She has won national and international awards for her scientific activities, which she has combined with practical activities for many years. She is engaged in diagnosis, consulting and education for business in the field of improving the quality of interpersonal relations, cooperation with clients and prevention of bullying. Her experience confirms that Bertrand Russell was right when he claimed that "all organizations have a moral decalogue - even the crew of a pirate ship". The task of the psychologist and managers is to try to change it to another one. She gives the lectures in the History of Psychology, Organization and Work Psychology (including bullying prevention and CSR aspects), Social Psychology, Intercultural and Interpersonal Communication, and is a thesis supervisor for students. Her research interests are in several areas, including: I volunteer engagement, organizational trust, motivation, and safety behavior; II determinants of individual unethical behavior, unethical behavior at work, bullying/mobbing; III psychological and health determinants of people's responses to change and challenges; stress and anxiety, stress and health at work, the stigma of people experiencing mental problems, quality of health care, bereavement in the media, and coping with death. She is a member of the Scientific Council of "The Journal of Business Ethics and Sustainability. Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Empirical Studies" and a member of the editorial board of "Acta Psychologica" and "Frontiers in Mental Health".

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