dr hab. inż. Andrzej Miszczyk
- Associate professor at Department of Corrosion and Electrochemistry
Social media
- andrzej.miszczyk@pg.edu.pl
Associate professor
- Workplace
Budynek C Wydz. Chemii
room 310 open in new tab - Phone
- (58) 347 19 15
Publication showcase
Improvement of electrochemical action of zinc-rich paints by addition of nanoparticulate zinc
The influence of nanosized particles on electrochemical action of standard zinc-rich paints by means of SEM as well as potential and impedance measurements has been investigated. The motivation for doing this was to obtain additional electrical connection between the spherical microparticles themselves and zinc particles and steel substrate. Overall zinc content was at the level of 92% by weight. Samples with different concentration...
Water uptake in protective organic coatings and its reflection in measured coating impedance
Water uptake in commercially available epoxy coating on mild steel using impedance spectroscopy and gravimetry was studied. The water content in the coating was determined using the Brasher-Kingsbury equation and various methods of coating capacitance calculation used in the literature. The obtained results were compared with reference gravimetric data. An overestimation of values obtained from impedance data in relation to gravimetric...
Electrochemical approach to evaluate the interlayer adhesion of organic coatings
Zastosowano elektrochemiczną spektroskopię impedancyjną do wyznaczania międzywarstwowej adhezji w powłokach organicznych. Zbadano różne zestawy powłok do ochrony samochodów. Zastosowano dwie elektrody wykonane z prądoprzewodzącego tuszu umieszczone pomiędzy warstwami powłokowymi. Stwierdzono, że utrata adhezji międzywarstwowej następuje podobnie jak zmiany energii aktywacji przewodnictwa jonowego w obszarze międzywarstwowym. Uzyskane...
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