Andrzej Wasik - Teaching - Bridge of Knowledge


e-Learning courses

Conducted classes

Performing promoter function in doctoral dissertations

  • Kamila Wilczewska

    Chemistry (Chemical sciences)

    dr inż. title conferred on 2016-12-07 by Faculty of Chemistry

  • Paweł Kubica

    Chemistry (Chemical sciences)

    dr inż. title conferred on 2016-07-05 by Faculty of Chemistry

Reviewed papers list

  • Procesy jonizacji analitu i transportu jonów w spektrometrii ruchliwości jonów


    dr inż. Jarosław Puton - Politechnika Gdańska, Wydział Chemiczny - 2016

Opinionated people list

  • Opinion on the course of the proceedings to award an academic degree

    dr hab. Ewa Gorodkiewicz - 2013

  • Opinion on the course of the proceedings to award an academic degree

    dr hab. Katarzyna Bielicka - Daszkiewicz - 2013

seen 3904 times