Anna Bobkowska - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


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Publication showcase

  • Balance Between Creativity and Methodology in Software Projects

    - Year 2015

    Taking into account trends of innovation in economy and increasing interest in applying creativity techniques in computer science, this paper focuses on relationship between creativity and methodology in software project. First, it extracts useful knowledge about creativity from creativity research. Then, it makes an attempt to combine creativity issues and dimensions with concepts from software project area. It presents also lessons...

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  • A methodology of visual modeling language evaluation

    - Year 2005

    Metody oceny jakości metod modelowania są istotnym elementem inżynierii języków modelowania wizualnego. W referacie zaproponowano metodę oceny języków modelowania wizualnego na podstawie wymiarów poznawczych. Zaprezentowano metodologiczną dyskusję zastosowania nauk psychologicznych do oceny metod modelowania, metodologię CD-VML, powiązaną z nią metodę CD-VML-UC do oceny przypadków użycia oraz weryfikację metodologii.

  • Exploration of Creativity Techniques in Software Engineering in Training-Application-Feedback Cycle

    Creativity research has proposed about a hundred and fifty creativity techniques. The question is whether they can be applied in software engineering for creativity training or directing creativity in software projects. This paper aims at answering this question via a quasi-experiment conducted in Training-Application-Feedback cycle in which participants express their opinions about selected creativity techniques after training...

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