Anna Malankowska
total: 13
Catalog Publications
Year 2016
Ionic liquids for nano- and microstructures preparation. Part 1: Properties and multifunctional role
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are a broad group of organic salts of varying structure and properties, used in energy conversion and storage, chemical analysis, separation processes, as well as in the preparation of particles in nano- and microscale. In material engineering, ionic liquids are applied to synthesize mainly metal nanoparticles and 3D semiconductor microparticles. They could generally serve as a structuring agent or as a reaction...
Ionic liquids for nano- and microstructures preparation. Part 2: Application in synthesis
PublicationIonic liquids (ILs) are widely applied to prepare metal nanoparticles and 3D semiconductor microparticles. Generally, they serve as a structuring agent or reaction medium (solvent), however it was also demonstrated that ILs can also play a role of a co-solvent, metal precursor, reducing as well as surface modifying agent. The crucial role and possible types of interactions between ILs and growing particles have been presented in...
Year 2015
KTaO3-based nanocomposites for air treatment
PublicationA series of single semiconductors and their nanocomposites combination (such as KTaO3 + CdSe + SrTiO3; KTaO3 + CdS +WO3; KTaO3 + CdS + MoS2) were prepared using hydrothermal route. Photocatalytic activity of as-prepared nanocomposites was estimated by photocatalytic degradation of toluene in the gas phase using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, 375 nm) in four subsequent cycles. The nanocomposites were characterized by scanning electron...
Methane formation over TiO2–based photocatalysts: reaction pathways
PublicationThe effects of organic impurities adsorbed or incorporated into semiconductors structure on the photocatalytic products are noteworthy. For this purpose, the as-prepared Ag, Au and Pdmodified TiO2 samples were exposed to UV-vis irradiation in various gas atmospheres (CO2, N2, 600 ppm CO2 in N2, and 13CO2) in order to clarify the route of CH4 formation in the process of photocatalytic CO2 reduction. In the presented research it...
Otrzymywanie i charakterystyka TiO2 modyfikowanego nanocząstkami Au oraz Pd
PublicationDitlenek tytanu jest intensywnie badany od wielu lat, ze względu na jego właściwości fotokatalityczne, nietoksyczność oraz niski koszt. Ograniczeniem w zastosowaniu TiO2 jest jego niska wydajność kwantowa konwersji energii słonecznej, ze względu na szybką rekombinację nośników oraz konieczność zastosowania promieniowania UV. TiO2 absorbuje tylko 3-4% promieniowania słonecznego, ponieważ może być wzbudzony tylko promieniowaniem...
Year 2014
KTaO3-based nanocomposites for air treatment
PublicationThe advantage is that photocatalytic methods allow removing VOCs, NOx, SO2, deodorants, and microorganisms at the same system. The new third generation of photoactive materials activated by low powered and low cost irradiation sources (such as LEDs or black fluorescent UV lamps) can be used as photocatalysts in air purification systems. A series of single semiconductors and their nanocomposites combination were prepared using hydrothermal...
Preparation and Characterization of Au/Pd Modified-TiO2 Photocatalysts for Phenol and Toluene Degradation under Visible Light—The Effect of Calcination Temperature
PublicationRutile loaded with Au/Pd nanoparticles was prepared using a water-in-oil microemulsion system of water/AOT/cyclohexane followed by calcination.Theeffect of calcination temperature (from350 to 700∘C) on the structure ofAu/Pd nanoparticles deposited at rutile matrix and the photocatalytic properties of Au/Pd-TiO2 was investigated in two model reactions (toluene degradation in gas phase and phenol degradation in aqueous phase). The...
Surface properties and photocatalytic activity of KTaO3, CdS, MoS2 semiconductors and their binary and ternary semiconductor composites
PublicationSingle semiconductors such as KTaO3, CdS MoS2 or their precursor solutions were combined to form novel binary and ternary semiconductor nanocomposites by the calcination or by the hydro/solvothermal mixed solutions methods, respectively. The aim of this work was to study the influence of preparation method as well as type and amount of the composite components on the surface properties and photocatalytic activity of the new semiconducting...
The effect of calcination temperature on structure and photocatalytic properties of Au/Pd nanoparticles supported on TiO2
PublicationBimetallic nanoparticles, composed of two different metal elements, can exhibit peculiar electronic, optical, and catalytic or photocatalytic properties that are absent in the corresponding monometallic nanoparticles. We show the effect of calcination temperature (from 350 to 700°C) on the structure and the photocatalytic properties of Au/Pd-modified TiO2. The composition of the bimetallic Au/Pd nanoparticles in relation to their...
The effect of preparation route on structure and photocatalytic properties of bimetallic nanoparticles (Au/Pd, and Au/Pt) deposited at TiO2 surface
PublicationNoble metal nanoparticles have often been used to enhance the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 and to extend the absorption wavelength from the ultraviolet to visible region. Bimetallic nanoparticles, composed of two different metal elements, can exhibit peculiar electronic, optical, and catalytic or photocatalytic properties that are absent in the corresponding monometallic nanoparticles. In this work we show the effect kind and...
Year 2013
Photocatalysts for Solar Energy Conversion
PublicationPhotocatalytic oxidation over suspended solid photocatalysts (e.g., titanium dioxide) has been proposed as a sustainable process for treatment and purification of water and wastewater as well as the process for photoconversion of solar energy to hydrogen, methane, and other low hydrocarbons. Solar radiation could be used to drive heterogeneous electrochemical reactions at the surface of an optically active photocatalyst (e.g.,...
Year 2012
Carbon dioxide photoconversion. The effect of titanium dioxide immobilization conditions and photocatalyst type.
PublicationBadanie efektywności procesu fotokonwersji CO2 prowadzono w fazie gazowej w obecności promieniowania UV-Vis, pary wodnej oraz fotokatalizatorów. Zbadano wpływ wybranych parametrów tj. masa, temperatura i czas suszenia fotokatalizatora oraz rodzaj nośnika na efektywność procesu fotokonwersji. Wyznaczono optymalne parametry prowadzenia procesu oraz przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badań w obecności fotokatalizatorów modyfikowanych nanoczastkami...
Year 2011
Photoconversion of carbon dioxide to methane and light hydrocarbons
PublicationFotokonwersja ditlenku węgla do lekkich węglowodorów jest czystym i przyjaznym dla środowiska procesem, pozwalającym na obniżenie emisji CO2 przy jednoczesnym generowaniu paliwa. Badanie efektywności procesu fotokonwersji CO2 prowadzono w obecności promieniowania UV-Vis, pary wodnej oraz fotokatalizatorów Ag-TiO2, Au-TiO2, Ag/Au-TiO2 otrzymanych w mikroemulsji woda/AOT/cykloheksan. Najwyższą aktywność w procesie fotoredukcji...
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