dr hab. Anna Witkowska
- Associate professor at Department of Control Engineering
Social media
- anna.witkowska@pg.edu.pl
Associate professor
- Workplace
Budynek Wydz. Elektr.
room 212 open in new tab - Phone
- (58) 347 21 24
- anna.witkowska@pg.edu.pl
Publication showcase
Adaptive dynamic control allocation for dynamic positioning of marine vessel based on backstepping method and sequential quadratic programming
It is generally assumed in dynamic positioning of over-actuated marine vessels that the control effectiveness matrix (input matrix) is known and constant, or, in case of fault information, it is estimated by the fault detection and diagnosis system. The purpose of the study is to develop the adaptive dynamic positioning control system for an over-actuated marine vessel in the presence of uncertainties and with emphasis on limited...
Nonlinear Backstepping Ship Course Controller
Statek, jako obiekt sterowania charakteryzuje się nieliniową manewrową funkcją opisującą. Metoda backstepping jest jedną z metod, które mogą być wykorzystane w procesie projektowania nieliniowych układu sterowania kursem statków. Metoda została zastosowana w celu zaprojektowania dwóch konfiguracji nieliniowych regulatorów kursu.Regulatory zostały przebadane w układach regulacji kursu statku. Jedna z konfiguracji w fazie projektowania...
Monitoring Regenerative Heat Exchanger in Steam Power Plant by Making Use of the Recurrent Neural Network
Artificial Intelligence algorithms are being increasingly used in industrial applications. Their important function is to support operation of diagnostic systems. This paper pesents a new approach to the monitoring of a regenerative heat exchanger in a steam power plant, which is based on a specific use of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The proposed approach was tested using real data. This approach can be easily adapted to...
Obtained scientific degrees/titles
Obtained science degree
dr hab. Automation, electronic and electrical engineering (Engineering and Technology) -
Obtained science degree
dr Automatic control and robotics (Technology)Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych
seen 4632 times