dr hab. Anna Ziomkiewicz-Wichary
- 2019 - present Associate Professor at Department of Anthropology
Research fields
- No data
total: 33
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Year 2022
Antenatal Classes in the Context of Prenatal Anxiety and Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Year 2021
Year 2020
Association between sexual orientations of individuals and perceptions of tattooed men
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Oxidative stress as a hidden cost of attractiveness in postmenopausal women
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Shifts in Female Facial Attractiveness during Pregnancy
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Traumatized women’s infants are bigger than children of mothers without traumas
Year 2019
Cognitive costs of reproduction: life‐history trade‐offs explain cognitive decline during pregnancy in women
Year 2018
Tattooed man: Could menstrual cycle phase and contraceptive use change female preferences towards bad boys?
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The cost of reproduction in women: Reproductive effort and oxidative stress in premenopausal and postmenopausal American women
Year 2017
Year 2016
Evidence for the Cost of Reproduction in Humans: High Lifetime Reproductive Effort Is Associated with Greater Oxidative Stress in Post-Menopausal Women
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Serotonin and Dominance
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Tłuszcz mleka kobiecego – skład, synteza i funkcja kwasów tłuszczowych oraz pochodnych lipidów
Year 2015
Apolipoprotein E ( ApoE ) polymorphism is related to differences in potential fertility in women: a case of antagonistic pleiotropy?
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Digit ratio (2D:4D) does not correlate with daily 17β‐estradiol and progesterone concentrations in healthy women of reproductive age
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Grow first, gain fat in the meantime. Longitudinal study of anthropometric changes around menarche
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Trait anxiety moderates the association between estradiol and dominance in women
Year 2013
Year 2012
Higher luteal progesterone is associated with low levels of premenstrual aggressive behavior and fatigue
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Temperament and ovarian reproductive hormones in women: Evidence from a study during the entire menstrual cycle
Year 2010
Role of method of implementing multi-factorial falls prevention in nursing homes for elderly persons. The EUNESE project
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Specialist English as a foreign language for European public health: evaluation of competencies and needs among Polish and Lithuanian students
Year 2008
Body fat, energy balance and estradiol levels: a study based on hormonal profiles from complete menstrual cycles
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Epidemiology and Prevention: A S ystem-Based Approach. Edited by John Yarnell. Pp. 312. (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006.) £19.99, ISBN 9-780-198-530145, paperback.
Year 2006
CYP17Genotypes Differ in Salivary 17-β Estradiol Levels: A Study Based on Hormonal Profiles from Entire Menstrual Cycles
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Habitual physical activity and estradiol levels in women of reproductive age
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High ponderal index at birth predicts high estradiol levels in adult women
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Menstrual synchrony: Fact or artifact?
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Symmetrical women have higher potential fertility
Year 2005
Body mass, depressive symptoms and menopausal status: An examination of the “Jolly Fat” hypothesis
Year 2004
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