
academic journal Atras Journal
total: 50
Catalog Publications
Year 2025
AI-Driven Humanoidoid Personnel Acquisition: Is A Game Changer
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Algerian Researchers' Attitudes Towards Employing Artificial Intelligence Applications in Scientific Research: A Survey Study on a Sample of Algerian Researchers
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Appropriation auctoriale de la fable en contexte socio-numérique
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Assessing the Training of Translation Students on Translation Technologies at the Algerian University
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Bridging Research and Practice: The Impact of Scientific Research on Tourism and Handicrafts
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Cultivating Cultural Competence: Exploring Kramsch's Framework in Language Education
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Drifting from the Earth towards Death: A Study of Stephen Kekeghe’s Rumbling Sky
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D’une collaboration interprofessionnelle à l’interdisciplinarité : Interdépendance dans la formation professionnalisante qatarienne
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Environmental and Colonial Dynamics: Turkey's Invasion of Kurdistan of Iraq in 21st-Century Postcolonial Literature
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Identifying the Cognitive Complexity of Teacher-Made Examination Questions through the Lens of Bloom’s Taxonomy
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Idiomatic Expressions in Translation: The Case of J. D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye
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Implementing English as a Medium of Instruction in Algerian Higher Education: Facts and Challenges
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Integrating Artificial Intelligence Technology in Algerian Education: A Blessing in Disguise
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Intelligence artificielle au service de l’enseignement architectural : Un Impératif pour l'Avenir
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La (co)construction des représentations de l’altérité des harragas sur les médias socionumériques algériens
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La construction sémantique de la covid-19 en technodiscours : Cas des pure players d’information algériens
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Le héros sadien : cruel comme un vampire ?
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L’intégration de nouvelles technologies dans l’apprentissage des langues étrangères à l’école primaire : l’audiovisuel comme exemple
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Literary Texts as a Source of Personality Formation: A Case Study of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
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Literature and the Electronic Media of India: An Overview of the Significance of Radio and Television
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Réflexions autour de la solitude (pathologique) dans deux textes d’Eugène Ionesco : Ce formidable bordel ! et Le Solitaire
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Repenser le cahier journal : Innovations pour une planification pédagogique numérique
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Sociocultural and Identity Dynamics Reflected in the Choice of Names in School Textbooks
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Teachers’ Feedback Contribution to the Reinforcement of Students’ Writing Competence in Light of AI Widespread: Third-Year EFL Student at Saida University as a Case Study
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Télécollaboration et enseignement des langues étrangères: réflexion sur son application en contexte universitaire algérien
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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Algerian Learners' Critical Thinking
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The Phonetic Miracle In The Quran
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The Significance of Youth Voices in Shaping and Implementing Artificial Intelligence for Learning and Education
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Théâtre et Architecture : Deux Arts de la Mise en Scène
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Trends in English Language Use in Remote Work Environments: A Comparative Analysis of Pre- and Post-Pandemic Communication
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ألفاظ القرآن الكريم بين المعنى المعجمي والقصدية الإلاهية
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الأنساق الثقافية في رواية الطرحان لعبد الله كروم مقاربة تحليلية
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الفعل الكلامي وما ينطوي عليه من أفعال في الخطاب الشعري. مقاربة تداولية في لامية أبي الطيب المتنبي في رثاء والدة سيف الدولة الحمداني
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بعض اضطرابات النوم بوصفها منبئات بإدمان الأنترنيت لدى تلاميذ الطور المتوسط
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دراسة مقارنة لمهارات التعلّم الموجّه ذاتيًا في ضوء استخدام شبكة الإنترنت لدى طلبة جامعة الجزائر 2
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قلق الانفصال وعلاقته بالإدمان على الألعاب الالكترونية لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية
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واقع اللغة الإنجليزية عبر منصة (مودل) لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا؛ دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة الدكتوراه ـ كلية العلوم الإنسانية والإجتماعية ـ جامعة محمد بوضياف المسيلة
Year 2024
Addressing Ethical Considerations Related to the Use of Artificial Intelligence in EFL Classrooms at Oran2 University
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Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study of a Sample of Professors from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Commercial Sciences, and Management Sciences at the University of Médéa
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Artificial Intelligence and Human Cognition: A Systematic Review of Thought Provocation through AI ChatGPT Prompts
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Artificial Intelligence and Reengineering Educational Content and Resources for Industrial Transformation in a Depressing Economy
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Artificial Intelligence Driven Course Generation: A Case Study Using ChatGPT
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Artificial Intelligence in Education: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Study on Scopus (2010-2024)
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Artificial Intelligence versus Human Intelligence in the Analysis of Context during the Translation Process: An Applied Study
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Attitudes and Perceptions Towards the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: A Survey Study on a Sample of Academic Staff in Algeria
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Cognitive and Psychological Reverberations of Remote Learning on Students at the University of Saida
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Creative Pedagogy: Objective Foundations and Impact of the Intelligent Project
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Digital Transformation and AI Applications in Analyzing the Play A Journey in a Coma
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Digital Transformation and E-Learning Integration during the Post-Pandemic Era in the Algerian Higher Education Sector
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Embracing ChatGPT for Enhanced English as a Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: Teachers’ Attitudes
seen 147 times