Beata Pałczyńska - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2024
  • Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in the Casing Pipe


    The current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its ability to carry a specific current and is related to the efficiency of dissipation of heat generated in the cable laid in a specific environment. The studies were conducted in order to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature, and thus the ability of the cable to transmit electricity. The experimentation in the lab and...

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  • Modern Light Sources on the Ship

    - Year 2024

    The paper deals with studies on light flicker in selected modern light sources used on ships. The authors present and discuss the relationship between the hostile ship environment affecting the ship light systems and the extreme working conditions of the ship's crew manifested by health problems and a reduction in their manual abilities. These limitations result from the flicker phenomena provoked by both fluorescent lamps and...

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  • Research on the Flicker Effect in Modern Light Sources Powered by an Electrical Network

    Disruptions in power quality have a negative impact on many energy consumers. These include lighting, where interference manifests itself, among others, in the form of light flickering. The article presents phenomena accompanying the operation of modern light sources against the background of exemplary results of studies on the flicker of conventional light sources, such as incandescent or fluorescent lamps. The flickering effect...

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  • The Concept of a Measurement Data Acquisition Platform Based on Compressive Sensing

    - Year 2024

    The paper introduces the concept of a modern software-hardware platform for data acquisition and analysis, capable of efficiently handling vast amounts of measurement data in real time with minimal energy consumption. The current methodologies for information acquisition are predicated upon traditional sampling techniques, which frequently yield redundant data necessitating subsequent compression. The novel approach is based on...

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Year 2023
Year 2022
  • AC Motor Voltage and Audible Noise Dataset

    - Year 2022

    The dataset titled AC motor voltage and audible noise waveforms in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters contains the voltage and sound measurement results recorded in a marine frequency controlled AC drive system. The dataset is part of research focussing on the impact of the ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships. The dataset allows the...

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  • Experiment-Based Study of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe

    - ENERGIES - Year 2022

    The paper deals with the important challenges in terms of electricity transmission by means of underground cable lines. The power cable’s performance is characterized by an ampacity that represents its maximum electric current-carrying capacity. The ampacity of power cables depends on their ability to diffuse the heat generated by the current flow into the environment. In the performed research, the analysis of the efficiency of...

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  • The Laboratory Stand for the Evaluation of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe

    - Year 2022

    The current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its efficiency, which depends on its capability to dissipate heat produced inside the cable, as a result of current flow, into the surrounding. The studies were conducted to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature and, as a result, its ability to transport electricity. The experimentation in the lab and real measurements...

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Year 2021
  • Direct spectrum detection based on Bayesian approach

    The paper investigates the Bayesian framework's performance for a direct detection of spectrum parameters from the compressive measurements. The reconstruction signal stage is eliminated in by the Bayesian Compressive Sensing algorithm, which causes that the computational complexity and processing time are extremely reduced. The computational efficiency of the presented procedure is significantly...

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Year 2020
  • Compressive Sensing Approach to Harmonics Detection in the Ship Electrical Network

    - SENSORS - Year 2020

    The contribution of this paper is to show the opportunities for using the compressive sensing (CS) technique for detecting harmonics in a frequency sparse signal. The signal in a ship’s electrical network, polluted by harmonic distortions, can be modeled as a superposition of a small number of sinusoids and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) basis forms its sparse domain. According to the theory of CS, a signal may be reconstructed...

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Year 2019
  • Rzadka reprezentacja sygnału niestacjonarnego w technice oszczędnego próbkowania

    Przedstawiono zastosowanie techniki oszczędnego próbkowania do rekonstrukcji sygnału niestacjonarnego na podstawie skompresowanych próbek w dziedzinie czas-częstotliwość. Zastosowano nadmiarowy algorytm z różnymi słownikami aby znaleźć rzadką reprezentację sygnału. Wyniki symulacji potwierdzają, że zastosowanie oszczędnego próbkowania pozwala na rekonstrukcję sygnału niestacjonarnego z małej liczby losowo pobranych próbek, z niewielką...

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  • Signal Reconstruction from Sparse Measurements Using Compressive Sensing Technique

    - Year 2019

    The paper presents the possibility of applying a new class ofmathematical methods, known as Compressive Sensing (CS) for recovering thesignal from a small set of measured samples. CS allows the faithful recon-struction of the original signal back from fewer random measurements bymaking use of some non-linear reconstruction techniques. Since of all thesefeatures, CSfinds its applications especially in the areas where, sensing is...

  • Szybka identyfikacja harmonicznych na podstawie oszczędnego próbkowania

    W pracy przedstawiono implementację szybkiego algorytmu rekonstrukcji sygnału, opartego na teorii oszczędnego próbkowania, który może wykrywać harmoniczne w sygnale wejściowym. Zagadnienie rekonstrukcji sygnału jest problemem optymalizacyjnym rozwiązywanym za pomocą algorytmu programowania liniowego. Dodatkowo, aby przyspieszyć zbieżność rozwiązania zastosowano w rzadkiej dziedzinie sygnału filtr typu K-rank-order. Przeprowadzona...

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  • The Multiplatform Environment for Simulation and Features Estimation of Mixed-Signal Devices

    - Year 2019

    The use of simulation laboratories is gaining popularity in thedomains of engineering programs. However, the experience in teaching showsthat the simulation itself is not very effective in didactic processes. Teachingprocesses in thefield of specialist subjects, designed for students of technicaluniversities, should be based on direct operations performed by the student onreal devices. At the same time, at the later stages of didactic...

Year 2018
Year 2017
Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2010
Year 2009
Year 2007

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