dr hab. Agata Lisińska-Czekaj
- Head of Section at Zakład Materiałoznawstwa I Technologii Materiałowych
- Associate professor at Institute of Manufacturing and Materials Technology
Business contact
- Location
- Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
- Phone
- +48 58 348 62 62
- biznes@pg.edu.pl
Social media
- agata.czekaj@pg.edu.pl
Associate professor
- Institute of Manufacturing and Materials Technology
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
- Workplace
Budynek M-T
room 218 open in new tab - Phone
- +48 58 34 7 1247
Publication showcase
Antiferromagneticspinglass-likebehaviorinsinteredmultiferroic AurivilliusBim+1Ti3Fem−3O3m+3 compounds
The structure,hyperfine interactionsandmagneticpropertiesoftheseriesofmultiferroicBim+1Ti3Fem−3 O3m+3 Aurivilliuscompoundswith m¼4–8 werestudiedusingX-raydiffraction, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopyandvibratingsamplemagnetometry.Sampleswerepreparedbytheconventionalsolid- state sinteringmethod.Bulkmagneticmeasurementsshowedthatfor m¼4 thecompoundis paramagnetic downto2Kwhileinthecompoundwith m¼5 theantiferromagnetictypetransition wasobservedat11K.Inthecaseofcompoundswith...
Structure and hyperfine interactions in Bi1−xNdxFeO3 solid solutions prepared by solid-state sintering
The series of polycrystalline ceramic powders, Bi1xNdxFeO3 (x = 0.11) was successfully synthesized by mixed oxide method followed by pressureless sintering. X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy were used as complementary methods to study structure and hyperfine interactions of the samples. It was found that with an increase of Nd content, within the range of x = 0.20.3 a structural phase transition from rhombohedral to...
X-Ray Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetoelectric Effect Studies of Multiferroic Bi5Ti3FeO15 Ceramics
Bi5Ti3FeO15 ceramics belongs to multiferroic class of materials. In this work it was prepared by solid-state sintering method and investigated by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and magnetoelectric effect measurements. As it was proved by X-ray diffraction studies the single-phase Bi5Ti3FeO15 compound was obtained. The Mössbauer investigations revealed paramagnetic character of the compound at room temperature as well...
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