Dr inż Agnieszka Jeske-Kaczanowska
Research fields
total: 10
Catalog Publications
Year 2018
Year 2016
Year 2014
Year 2013
Content and mobility of strontium in forest soils according to north-south transect in Poland
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Distribution and mobility of rare earth elements (Sc,Y) in selected types of soils (Poland)
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Influence of a municipal waste landfill on the spatial distribution of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDDs/Fs) in the natural environment
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Mobility and distribution of barium and strontium in profiles of podzolic soils
Year 2012
Chromium, nickel and vanadium mobility in soils derived from fluvioglacial sands
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Profilowe rozmieszczenie oraz mobilność wanadu w glebach leśnych o zróżnicowanym uziarnieniu/Distribution and Mobility of Vanadium in Profiles of Forest Soils of Various Texture
Year 2011
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