dr Anna Zielińska
- Assistant professor at Department of Management Engineering and Quality
In 2016, she started her work at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2018, a member of the board of the International Project Management Association Young Crew Polska. Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of crisis management, project and health program management, and improvement of business entities. Scientific and research interests include program and project management, modern management concepts such as lean, QRM, agile, design thinking as well as gamification and business simulations. While working at the Poznań University of Economics and the Gdańsk University of Technology, she participated in a number of national research projects and projects implemented by international consortia under the European Regional Development Fund, the INTERREG South Baltic Program and projects implemented by IPMA YC. She cooperated with domestic and foreign scientific centers and institutions for which she prepared expert industry reports. Since 2016, she has been supporting the activities of the Scientific Team of Quality and Productivity. Organizer and co-organizer of national and international scientific conferences.
Scientific interests
- Project and program management
- Quality management
- Health care management
- Crisis management
- Organizational Culture
Diploma theses – example thematic areas
- Improving enterprise processes
- Improving services
- Quick Response Manufacturing
- Lean Management
- Design thinking
- Project management
Classes conducted
- Design thinking
- Management simulation game
- Methods and tools of project management
- Production quality management
- Simulation game
- Management of innovative projects and programs
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