dr n. med. Damian Strojny
- 2023 - present Adiunkt at Państwowa Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Przemyślu
- 2022 - present Nauczyciel akademicki at Kolegium Medyczne, Wyższa Szkoła Infromatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
Research fields
Social media
- strojny.ds@gmail.com
Publication showcase
Dynamics of Microbiome Changes in the Endometrium and Uterine Cervix during Embryo Implantation: A Comparative Analysis
A crossroads between dietary habits, alcohol consumption, and smoking in the clinical course of psoriasis: a narrative review
Evaluation of differences in expression pattern of three isoforms of the transforming growth factor beta in patients with lumbosacral stenosis
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