dr hab inż. Emilia Irzmańska
- Head of the Laboratory of Hand and Food Protection at Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute
total: 50
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
An Approach to Testing Antivandal Composite Materials as a Function of Their Thickness and Striker Shape—A Case Study
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The effect of exposure to cold on dexterity and temperature of the skin and hands
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The New Elastomeric Compounds Made of Butyl Rubber Filled with Phyllosilicates, Characterized by Increased Barrier Properties and Hydrophobicity and Reduced Chemical Degradation
Year 2023
Evaluation of laser texturing in fabricating cut-resistant surfaces for protective gloves
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Functional 3D-Printed Polymeric Materials with Metallic Reinforcement for Use in Cut-Resistant Gloves
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Knitted Structures Made of Antibacterial Fibers Intended for Protective Gloves
Year 2022
Analysis of the Impact Resistance of Toecaps by the Finite Element Method: Preliminary Studies
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The Impact of Protective Gloves on Manual Dexterity in Cold Environments—A Pilot Study
Year 2021
Chemical Hand Warmers in Protective Gloves: Design and Usage
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Evaluation of the mechanical strength and protective properties of polycarbonate toecaps subjected to repeated impacts simulating workplace conditions
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Experimental Investigation of the Properties of Laminated Nonwovens Used for Packaging of Powders in Mineral Warmers
Year 2020
Assessment of the Thermal Effectiveness of Mineral Warmers for Protective Gloves Used in Cold Environments
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Case Study: Measuring the Thermal Insulation of Heated Protective Gloves on a Thermal Hand Model
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The effects of textile reinforcements on the protective properties of self-healing polymers intended for safety gloves
Year 2019
Case Study: Fit Evaluation of Protective Gloves Made of Elastic and Non-Elastic Textile Materials
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Effects of simulated pressure of wooden, plastic, and metal materials on the thermal insulation of cold-protective gloves of various designs
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Evaluation of damage of polymeric toecaps used in protective footwear – case study
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Evaluation of the Mechanical Parameters of Ultrasonically Welded Textile Composite Structures for Protective Footwear
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Workplace Survey of Cold Protective Glove Aging
Year 2018
Badania modelowe wpływu zimnego środowiska pracy na kształtowanie się mikroklimatu wewnątrz rękawic ochronnych zintegrowanych z pasywnym źródłem ciepła
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Current knowledge about self-healing polymers in the aspect of application for full-rubber protective gloves
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Evaluation of protective footwear fit for older workers (60+): A case study using 3D scanning technique
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Evaluation of the Elastomeric Composite Self-repair Process for the Construction of Protective Gloves
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Manual work in cold environments and its impact on selection of materials for protective gloves based on workplace observations
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Selected metrological aspects of permeation cells used for testing the resistance of polymeric materials to penetration by liquid chemicals
Year 2017
A new method of ergonomic testing of gloves protecting against cuts and stabs during knife use
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Modified Polymer Materials for Use in Selected Personal Protective Equipment Products
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Rynek ogrzewanych rękawic ochronnych - przykładowe rozwiązania konstrukcyjne
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Wpływ konstrukcji elementów grzejnych na izolacyjność cieplną wkładów tekstylnych do obuwia ochronnego
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Wykorzystanie polimerów superabsorpcyjnych w materiałach włókienniczych
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Zastosowanie metod modelowania matematycznego do wyznaczania bezpiecznego czasu stosowania rękawic chroniących przed czynnikami chemicznymi
Year 2016
Evaluating the comfort of use of protective footwear: Validation of a method based on microclimate parameters and peripheral blood flow
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Human movement analysis in evaluation of the risk of falls in younger and older workers while wearing protective footwear
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Ocena wygody użytkowania rękawic chroniących przed przecięciem i przekłuciem nożami ręcznymi na podstawie badań ankietowych
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Ochrony palców - metody standardowe oraz przykładowe wyniki badań odporności na uderzenie
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Preliminary study evaluating manual dexterity tests assessing gloves protecting against cuts and stabs by hand knives
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The Microclimate in Protective Fire Fighter Footwear: Foot Temperature and Air Temperature and Relative Humidity
Year 2015
Niestandardowe metody oceny komfortu użytkowania rękawic ochronnych
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Preliminary Evaluation of Airlaid Nonwovens with Superabsorbent for Use in Protective Footwear: Tests Involving a Thermal Foot Model and Climatic Chamber
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Protective Footwear And The Risk Of Slipping In Older Workers – Definitions, Achievements, Recommendations
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Simulation method for assessing the end of service life of gloves used by workers exposed to mineral oils and mechanical factors
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The impact of different types of textile liners used in protective footwear on the subjective sensations of firefighters
Year 2014
Case study of the impact of toecap type on the microclimate in protective footwear
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Characteristics of microstructural phenomena occurring on the surface of protective gloves by the action of mechanical and chemical factors
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Footwear Use at Workplace and Recommendations for the Improvement of its Functionality and Hygiene
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Impedance plethysmography as a tool for assessing exertion-related blood flow changes in the lower limbs in healthy subjects
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New approach to assessing comfort of use of protective footwear with a textile liner and its impact on foot physiology
Year 2013
Preliminary Evaluation of the Ergonomic Properties of Gloves for Protection Against Mineral Oils Based on Manual Dexterity Tests
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Thermal properties of aluminized and non-aluminized basalt fabrics
Year 2012
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