Emilia Waraksa
total: 14
Catalog Publications
Year 2020
Determination of bromhexine and its metabolites in equine serum samples by liquid chromatography – Tandem mass spectrometry: Applicability to the elimination study after single oral dose
PublicationBromhexine (BH), expectorant used in the treatment of respiratory disorders associated with viscid or excessive mucus, is not permitted for use in the competing horse by many authorities in horseracing and Olympic disciplines. Metabolic studies are of the great importance in anti-doping field because they allow for updating the selection of the most appropriate markers for prohibited substances, such as metabolites present at higher...
Year 2019
Application of micellar electrokinetic chromatography for detection of silver nanoparticles released from wound dressing
PublicationThe recent emergence of nanotechnology has provided a new therapeutic modality in case of silver nanoparticles. Dressings containing silver form the basis for the treatment of burns and wounds, either acute or chronic ones. The aim of the study was to examine silver release from the different wound dressings: commercially available (Atrauman Ag, Aqua- cel Ag) and experimental (FKDP-AgNPs) using MEKC. In order to characterize prepared keratin...
Comparison of GC–MS and MEKC methods for caffeine determination in preworkout supplements
PublicationIn this study, GC–MS- and MEKC-based methods for determination of caffeine (CAF) in preworkout supplements were developed and validated. The proposed protocols utilized minimal sample preparation (simple dilution and syringe filtration). The developed methods achieved satisfactory validation parameters, i.e. good linearity (R2 0.9988 and R2 0.9985 for GC–MS- and MEKC-based method, respectively), satisfactory intraand interaccuracy...
Determination of free tyrosine in equestrian supplements by LC–MS/MS and comparison of its quantity with total free amino acids content in view of doping control
PublicationThe reports on the probable beneficial impact of tyrosine (TYR) supplementation on performance enhancement have contributed to the growth of interest in TYR in equestrian sports field and related industries, such as the manufacture of dietary and nutritional supplements. In this study, the first attempt to the assessment of horses exposure to TYR during nutritional supplementation was demonstrated by quantification of unbound TYR...
Quantification of unconjugated and total ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry: Application to the excretion study
PublicationIbuprofen (IBU) is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in human and also veterinary medicine. NSAIDs are usually highly metabolized compounds in horses; they are often present in equine urine, mostly in their conjugated forms (glucuronides). Thus, hydrolysis to cleave the glucuronide linkage prior to anti-doping analysis is often necessary for improving detection. In this study, unconjugated and total IBU...
Year 2018
A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitative analysis of ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
PublicationIbuprofen is widely used in human and veterinary medicine for the treatment of chronic pain as well as rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders. However, t he anal- gesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Ibuprofen have contributed to frequent drug abuse in equestr ian s ports. A sensitive and rapid gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry based method with a simple liquid-liquid extraction and deriva- tization requiring...
Simultaneous determination of ibuprofen and its metabolites in complex equine urine matrices by GC-EI-MS in excretion study in view of doping control
PublicationA novel assay for the simultaneous determination of ibuprofen (IBU) and its four probable metabolites, 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU), 2-hydroxyibuprofen (2-OH IBU), 3-hydroxyibuprofen (3-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in equine urine samples with the application of Gas Chromatography-Electron Ionization-Mass Spectrometry (GC-EI-MS) has been developed and elaborated. The new approach for sample preparation including minimizing...
Year 2017
Distinction of clenbuterol intake from drug or contaminated food of animal origin in a controlled administration trial – the potential of enantiomeric separation for doping control analysis
PublicationThe differentiation of clenbuterol abuse and unintentional ingestion by contaminated meat is crucial with respect to the valuation of an adverse analytical finding in human sports doping control. The proportion of the two enantiomers of clenbuterol may serve as potential discriminating parameter. For the determination of the individual enantiomers, specific methods were developed and validated for the different matrices under investigation...
Niesterydowe leki przeciwzapalne stosowane jako substancje dopingujące w sportach konnych
PublicationNiesterydowe leki przeciwzapalne są często stosowane w rywalizacji sportowej z udziałem koni w celu ukrycia problemu zdrowotnego zwierzęcia. Takie podejście jest sprzeczne z zasadami etyki w sportach konnych oraz dobrem koni.
Year 2016
Abuse or contamination? Ratio determination of clenbuterol enantiomers to distinguish between doping use and meat contamination
PublicationClenbuterol has been detected in urine of several athletes during routine doping control in the past years. Athletes claimed that the clenbuterol was ingested by eating contaminated meat. Providing analytical prove for this claim is difficult. clenbuterol consists of two enantiomers, R(-) and S(+)-clenbuterol. Currently available human and veterinary preparations were found to consist of a racemic mixture of both enantiomers. When...
Dopants and gas modifiers in ion mobility spectrometry
PublicationThe ion mobility techniques, including the most commonly used drift-tube ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and differential mobility spectrometry (DMS), are used successfully for the detection of a wide range of organic compounds in the gas phase. In order to improve detection quality, admixtures are added to gas streams flowing through the detector. Dopants mostly prevent the ionization of interfering chemicals however, better detection...
Year 2015
Elimination of excretion of ibuprofen and its metabolites in horses
PublicationAnalytical procedure based on application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) at the step of detection, identification and quantitation of ibuprofen (IBU) and detection of its metabolites – 1-hydroxyibuprofen (1-OH IBU) and carboxyibuprofen (CBX IBU) in horse urine by selected ion monitoring mode after sample preparation covering extraction at pH 3-4 and methylation has been used. The ions at m/z 161, 220 (methylated...
Oznaczanie delta-9-tetrahydrokanabinolu
PublicationMarihuana, haszysz, olej haszyszowy- otrzymywany z konopi narkotycznych są najbardziej popularnymi nielegalnymi produktami na rynku narkotycznym. Material dowodowy trafiający do laboratorium kryminalistycznego powinien być jednoznacznie zidentyfikowany jako pochodna rośliny z rodziny Cannabis.
Techniki analityczne stosowane w laboratoriach kryminalistycznych w celu identyfikacji marihuany
Publicationnarkomania od lat jest poważnym problemem , z jakim borykają się społeczeństwa w wiekszości krajów świata. Zwalczaniem przestępczości zorganizowanej zwiazanej z narkotykami zajmuje się Policja, Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Straż Graniczna, Slużba Celna i zandarmeria. W artykul przedstawiono techniki analityczne stosowane w laboratoriach kryminalistycznych w celu identyfikacji marihuany.
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