Innovation and new technologies in mineral processing - Events - Bridge of Knowledge


Innovation and new technologies in mineral processing

Innovation and new technologies in mineral processing

Zachęcamy do udziału w wykładzie online w języku angielskim, który przeprowadzi dr Dariusz Lelinski Dyrektor Globalny FLSmidth Flotation, spotkanie będzie moderował prof. dr hab. inż. Jan Hupka.

Rejestracja na webinarium odbywa się poprzez Evenea

Link do spotkania na MS Teams zostanie przesłany do uczestników w dniu wydarzenia na 2-1 h przed jego rozpoczęciem.



Mineral processing as an integral part of the mining industry is facing numerous challenges:

shortage of fresh water increased cost of energy handling of produced data and data mining rising cost of mining life cycle transition to electric vehicles

Innovation is the the best solution for these challenges. FLSmidth approach to innovation, staged process to select and develop R&D projects will be presented.

In the last part of the presentation our answers to the market challenges and demands will be presented using flotation product line as an example. Evolutionary (nextSTEP™, WEMCO® nextGEN, and Adjustable Radial Crowders) and revolutionary (Reflux Flotation Cell™ and coarseAIR™) technologies will be described in detail.


Start date:
23-06-2021 11:00
Ends date:
23-06-2021 12:15
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