Ewa Marcinkiewicz - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: mgr inż. Ewa Marcinkiewicz

mgr inż. Ewa Marcinkiewicz

Business contact

Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
+48 58 348 62 62


Publication showcase

  • Conceptual design of shore station for an innovative waste collecting vessel

    Marine environment protection legislation in the EU requires ships to return waste they generate on voyages to waste-reception facilities in ports. In many harbors there is a need to expand the port infrastructure to enable the operation of Waste Collecting Vessels (WCVs). In addition, these vessels can perform new functions of cleaning port basins and adjacent waterways. A novelty in the presented research on the conceptual design...

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