prof. dr hab. n. med. Joanna Rymaszewska
- 2023 - present Professor at Politechnika Wrocławska
- 2009 - present psychiatrist at Gabinet psychiatryczny Joanna Rymaszewska
- 2011 - 2023 Professor at Department of Psychiatry
total: 194
Catalog Publications
Year 2015
Czy istnieje różnica w jakości życia i występowaniu objawów psychiatrycznych u chorych na akromegalię i inne choroby przewlekłe?
Publication -
Doświadczanie bólu a aktywność fizyczna u osób z chorobą dyskową odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa/ Experience of pain and physical activity in people suffering from the disc disease of the lumbosacral spine
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Needs assessment of elderly people living in Polish nursing homes
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Needs assessment of people 75+ living in a nursing home or family home environment
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Open Dialogue Approach – about the phenomenon of Scandinavian Psychiatry
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The Quality of Life and Psychological, Social and Cognitive Functioning of Patients with Acromegaly
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The stigma of dementia
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Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms in Alzheimer's disease patients
Year 2014
Anserine and carnosine supplementation in the elderly: Effects on cognitive functioning and physical capacity
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Demograficzne uwarunkowania stosowania ćwiczeń fizycznych w profilaktyce bólu w chorobie dyskowej odcinka krzyżowo – lędźwiowego kręgosłupa / Demographic determinants of using exercise as the prophlaxis of the cross section of the disk – lumbar spine’s pain
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Evaluation of a short-term group psychotherapy used as part of the rehabilitation process in nursing home patients
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Mental state and quality of life after 10 session whole-body cryotherapy
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Physical activity and childbirth classes during a pregnancy and the level of perceived stress and depressive symptoms in women after childbirth
Year 2013
Psychogeriatric care in Poland
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Reply to Demaria et al.
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Test Your Memory (TYM) as a screening instrument in clinical practice – the Polish validation study
Year 2012
A survey of geriatric psychiatry training across Europe
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Risk factors of depressive and anxiety symptoms 8 years after coronary artery bypass grafting
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Selected mice models based on APP, MAPT and presenilin gene mutations in research on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease
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The role of depressive and anxiety symptoms in the evaluation of cardiac rehabilitation efficacy after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery
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Training in consultation–liaison psychiatry in Eastern Europe
Year 2011
Development of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry in Poland
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Physical activity, life satisfaction and adjustment to illness in women after treatment of breast cancer
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Rehabilitacja dzieci autystycznych oraz z zespołem Downa a poczucie obciążenia opiekunów / Rehabilitation of children with Down Syndrome and autism, and caregivers burden
Year 2010
Cognitive impairment and dementia - problems of geriatric physiotherapy
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Intra-provincial inequalities and economic growth in China
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Psychological adjustment of women after oncological surgery and at the end of treatment
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Tackling age-related disease: time for a step forward
Year 2008
Exhaustion of caregivers of patients on maintenance haemodialysis
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Practice of Competence Assessment in Dementia: Poland
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Whole-body cryotherapy as adjunct treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders
Year 2007
Differences of Legal Regulations Concerning Involuntary Psychiatric Hospitalization in Twelve European Countries: Implications for Clinical Practice
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Social disability in different mental disorders
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Types of Depression More Frequent in Bipolar than in Unipolar Affective Illness: Results of the Polish DEP-BI Study
Year 2006
Bipolar or unipolar? — the question for clinicians and researchers
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Violence at the workplace—a questionnaire survey of nurses
Year 2005
Bipolar mood disorders among Polish psychiatric outpatients treated for major depression
Year 2004
A comparison of psychiatric day hospitals in five European countries
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Characteristics of sleep disturbances in Poland – results of the National Health Interview Survey
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Prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in Polish population – national health interview survey
Year 2003
Depression and anxiety in coronary artery bypass grafting patients
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Influence of whole body cryotherapy on depressive symptoms – preliminary report
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Inter-rater reliability of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and the Groningen Social Disabilities Schedule in a European multi-site randomized controlled trial on the effectiveness of acute psychiatric day hospitals
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Prevalence of insomnia in Poland — results of the National Health Interview Survey
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