Dr Jowita Samanta Niczyporuk
Research fields
total: 19
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Current epidemiological situation in the context of inclusion body hepatitis in poultry flocks in Poland
Year 2021
Characterisation of adenovirus strains represented species B and E isolated from broiler chicken flocks in eastern Poland
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Fowl adenovirus strains 1/A and 11/D isolated from birds with reovirus infection
Year 2020
Isolation and molecular characterization of Fowl adenovirus strains in Black grouse: First reported case in Poland
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Transmissible Viral Proventriculitis Caused by Chicken Proventricular Necrosis Virus Displaying Serological Cross-Reactivity with IBDV
Year 2018
A comparative pathogenicity analysis of two adenovirus strains, 1/A and 8a/E, isolated from poultry in Poland
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Avian poxvirus infection in Polish great tits (Parus major)
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Deep analysis of Loop L1 HVRs1-4 region of the hexon gene of adenovirus field strains isolated in Poland
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Occurrence of reovirus (ARV) infections in poultry flocks in Poland in 2010–2017
Year 2017
Molecular characterisation of fowl adenovirus type 7 isolated from poultry associated with inclusion body hepatitis in Poland
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Whole genome sequencing of Fowl aviadenovirus A - a causative agent of gizzard erosion and ulceration, in adult laying hens
Year 2016
Phylogenetic and geographic analysis of fowl adenovirus field strains isolated from poultry in Poland
Year 2015
Application of cross-priming amplification (CPA) for detection of fowl adenovirus (FAdV) strains
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Detection of specific UL49 sequences of Marek's disease virus CVI988/Rispens strain using loop-mediated isothermal amplification
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Occurrence of West Nile Virus Antibodies in Wild Birds, Horses, and Humans in Poland
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The development and evaluation of cross-priming amplification for the detection of avian reovirus
Year 2014
Year 2011
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