dr inż. arch. Justyna Borucka
- Assistant professor at Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
- Prodziekan ds. współpracy at Faculty of Architecture
Project manager
HEPHAESTUS HEPHAESTUS HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
Project realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 101182877 — HEPHAESTUS — HORIZON-MSCA-2023-SE-01 agreement from 2024-07-15
Team member
Gdańsk Digi-City Gdańsk Digital Twin. Digital modelling of the urban growth - from history to the future
Project realized in Department of Urban Architecture and Waterscapes according to SKN/SP/570294/2023 agreement from 2023-05-16
Project manager
HiHTC Sustainable, High-Performance Hybrid Timber Building Construction
Project realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to 2020-1-FR01-KA203-080308 agreement from 2020-09-16
Implementation of substantive and organisational tasks
BuildDigiCraft New MINDSET for high-quality European BAUKULTUR: bridging DIGITAL and CRAFT
Project realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to 2019-1-DE01-KA203-005059 agreement from 2019-10-31
Project manager
SKP Strategia rewitalizacji obiektów handlu targowego z wykorzystaniem metody społecznego katalizatora przedsiębiorczości, repozycjonowania marki oraz placemakingu jako narzędzie polityki lokalnej
Project realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to Gospostrateg1/392278/6/NCBR/2018 agreement from 2018-11-06
Mobility coordinator
S.O.S. Climate waterfront A Strategy of Excellence in Research and Innovation to Design Tools for the Waterfront to face Climate Change.
Project realized in Faculty of Architecture according to 823901 — sosclimatewaterfront — H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018 agreement from 2018-10-04
Team member
DigiClimAct Climate Action in South Baltic Cities Goes Digital
Project realized in Faculty of Architecture
member of the research team
Urban ElemenTREE Data-driven approach and management platforms as the basis for the smart development of the urban tree canopy
Project realized in Faculty of Architecture
Project manager
EUR-ACE Label / KAUT ENAEE European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education
Project realized in Administration, Faculty of Architecture
Project manager
RIBA The Royal Institute of British Architects Certificate
Project realized in Administration, Faculty of Architecture
Project manager
HEPHAESTUS HHEPHAESTUS - HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS
Project realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
Project manager
PROMETHEUS PROtocols for information Models librariEs Tested on HEritage of Upper Kama Sites
Project realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings
Project manager
VREA Virtual Reality Engineering and game design for Architecture and Cultural Heritage
Project realized in Faculty of Architecture
Project manager
PROMETHEUS PROtocols for information Models librariEs Tested on HEritage of Upper Kama Sites
Project realized in Department of Housing and Architecture of Public Buildings according to nember - 821870 - Prometheus agreement
seen 4597 times