mgr inż. Karol Lisowski
total: 16
Catalog Publications
Year 2021
Adaptive Method for Modeling of Temporal Dependencies between Fields of Vision in Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems
PublicationA method of modeling the time of object transition between given pairs of cameras based on the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is proposed in this article. Temporal dependencies modeling is a part of object re-identification based on the multi-camera experimental framework. The previously utilized Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach, requiring setting the number of mixtures arbitrarily as an input parameter, was extended with the...
Year 2018
Modelling of Objects Behaviour for Their Re-identification in Multi-camera Surveillance System Employing Particle Filters and Flow Graphs
PublicationAn extension of the re-identification method of modeling objects behavior in muti-camera surveillance systems, related to adding a particle filter to the decision-making algorithm is covered by the paper. A variety of tracking methods related to a single FOV (Field of Vision) are known, proven to be quite different for inter-camera tracking, especially in case of non-overlapping FOVs. The re-identification methods refer to the...
Year 2017
A Method of Object Re-identiciation Applicable to Multicamera Surveillance Systems
PublicationThe paper addresses some challenges pertaining to the methods for tracking of objects in multi-camera systems. The tracking methods related to a single Field of Vision (FOV) are quite different from inter-camera tracking, especially in case of non-overlapping FOVs. In this case, the processing is directed to determine the probability of a particular object’s identity seen in a pair of cameras in the presence of places non-observed...
Year 2016
Complexity analysis of the Pawlak’s flowgraph extension for re-identification in multi-camera surveillance system
PublicationThe idea of Pawlak’s flowgraph turned out to be a useful and convenient container for a knowledge of objects’ behaviour and movements within the area observed with a multi-camera surveillance system. Utilization of the flowgraph for modelling behaviour admittedly requires certain extensions and enhancements, but it allows for combining many rules into a one data structure and for obtaining parameters describing how objects tend...
Year 2015
Massive surveillance data processing with supercomputing cluster
PublicationIn recent years, increasingly complex algorithms for automated analysis of surveillance data are being developed. The rapid growth in the number of monitoring installations and higher expectations of the quality parameters of the captured data result in an enormous computational cost of analyzing the massive volume of data. In this paper a new model of online processing of surveillance data streams is proposed, which assumes the...
Pawlak's flow graph extensions for video surveillance systems
PublicationThe idea of the Pawlak's flow graphs is applicable to many problems in various fields related to decision algorithms or data mining. The flow graphs can be used also in the video surveillance systems. Especially in distributed multi-camera systems which are problematic to be handled by human operators because of their limited perception. In such systems automated video analysis needs to be implemented. Important part of this analysis...
Zdalny zintegrowany moduł nadzoru radiowo-wizyjnego
PublicationPrzedstawiono prace koncepcyjne, badawcze oraz implementacyjne skoncentrowane na praktycznej realizacji sys-temu lokalizacji i śledzenia obiektów z wykorzystaniem kamer wizyjnych i identyfikacji radiowej. Zaproponowano metodę konkatenacji danych w celu zwiększenia dokładno-ści i skuteczności detekcji obiektów. Omówiono założenia projektowe oraz technologie opracowane w ramach rozwi-janego multimodalnego modułu nadzoru. Zaproponowano...
Year 2014
Employing flowgraphs for forward route reconstruction in video surveillance system
PublicationPawlak’s flowgraphs were utilized as a base idea and knowledge container for prediction and decision making algorithms applied to experimental video surveillance system. The system is used for tracking people inside buildings in order to obtain information about their appearance and movement. The fields of view of the cameras did not overlap. Therefore, when an object was moving through unsupervised areas, prediction was needed...
Modelling Object Behaviour in a Video Surveillnace System Using Pawlak's Flowgraph
PublicationIn this paper, methodology of acquisition and processing of video streams for the purpose of modelling object behaviour is presented. Multilevel contextual video processing was also mentioned. The Pawlak’s flowgraph is used as a container for the knowledge related to the behaviour of objects in the area supervised by a video surveillance system. Spatio-temporal dependencies in transitions between cameras can be easily changed in...
Selection of Visual Descriptors for the Purpose of Multi-camera Object Re-identification
PublicationA comparative analysis of various visual descriptors is presented in this chapter. The descriptors utilize many aspects of image data: colour, texture, gradient, and statistical moments. The descriptor list is supplemented with local features calculated in close vicinity of key points found automatically in the image. The goal of the analysis is to find descriptors that are best suited for particular task, i.e. re-identification...
Year 2013
Adaptive Method of Adjusting Flowgraph for Route Reconstruction in Video Surveillance Systems
PublicationPawlak’s flowgraph has been applied as a suitable data structure for description and anal- ysis of human behaviour in the area supervised with multicamera video surveillance system. Infor- mation contained in the flowgraph can be easily used to predict consecutive movements of a partic- ular object. Moreover, utilization of the flowgraph can support reconstructing object route from the past video images. However, such a flowgraph with...
Cartographic Representation of Route Reconstruction Results in Video Surveillance System
PublicationThe video streams available in a surveillance system distributed on the wide area may be accompanied by metadata are obtained as a result of video processing. Many algorithms applied to surveillance systems, e.g. event detection or object tracking, are strictly connected with localization of the object and reconstruction of its route. Drawing related information on a plan of a building or on a map of the city can facilitate the...
Europejski projekt ADDPRIV Automatyczna interpretacja danych pozyskiwanych z obrazu dla potrzeb systemów monitoringu wizyjnego funkcjonujących z poszanowaniem prywatności osób
PublicationSystemy monitorowania bezpieczeństwa publicznego generują i przechowują ogromne ilości danych implikując wzrost prawdopodobieństwa użycia tych danych w sposób nieodpowiedni z punktu widzenia ochrony danych osobowych. W niniejszym referacie zaprezentowany jest europejski projekt ADDPRIV, który bezpośrednio odnosi się do kwestii poszanowania prywatności poprzez automatyczne rozpoznawanie istotności danych pochodzących z rozproszonego systemu...
Metody Śledzenia Obiektów W Rozproszonych Systemach Monitoringu Wideo
PublicationSystemy monitoringu wideo stały się powszechną częścią zarówno przestrzeni publicznej jak również miejsc o ograniczonym dostępie. Nadzór obszaru o dużej powierzchni wymaga rozmieszczenia wielu kamer. Skuteczna analiza przez człowieka dużej liczby obrazów wideo jest praktycznie niemożliwa. Dlatego rozwijane są metody służące do automatycznego przetwarzania wideo ukierunkowanego na analizę kontekstową. W przypadku niepokrywających...
Rozpoznawanie osób i zdarzeń: Opis aplikacji rozpoznawania obiektów i zdarzeń
PublicationRozpoznawanie osób i zdarzeń, analiza strumieni wielomadalnych, cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnałów.
The Innovative Faculty for Innovative Technologies
PublicationA leaflet describing Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology. Multimedia Systems Department described laboratories and prototypes of: Auditory-visual attention stimulator, Automatic video event detection, Object re-identification application for multi-camera surveillance systems, Object Tracking and Automatic Master-Slave PTZ Camera Positioning System, Passive Acoustic Radar,...
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