dr inż. Karolina Makowska-Jarosik
- Assistant professor at Department of Geodesy
- 2015 - present at Department of Geodesy
total: 13
Catalog Publications
Year 2022
Verification of Satellite Railway Track Position Measurements Making Use of Standard Co-Ordinate Determination Techniques
PublicationThe article presents the results of satellite railway track position measurements performed by a multidisciplinary research team, the members of which represented Gdansk University of Technology and Gdynia Maritime University. Measuring methods are described which were used for reconstructing the railway track axis position and diagnosing railway track geometry deformations. As well as that, the description of the novel method...
Year 2019
A New Geodetic Method of Examination of Geometrical Conditions of a Crane Bridge
PublicationSafety is one of the key aspects related to crane-based material transport. In order to ensure safe crane operation and material transport, it is necessary to meet certain geometrical conditions. The authors addressed the geometrical conditions of a crane bridge, a substantial crane component. The paper presents the method to compute displacement components of points on the top of a bridge crane relative to their design position....
The Concept of Geodetic Analyses of the Measurement Results Obtained by Hydrostatic Leveling
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of hydrostatic leveling. Its application is presented in structural health monitoring systems in order to determine vertical displacements of controlled points. Moreover, the article includes a complete computation scheme that utilizes the estimation from observation differences, allowing the elimination of the influence of individual sensors’ systematic errors. The authors suggest two concepts of...
Year 2018
Assessing the Significance of Displacements Using Local Coefficients of Variance as an Alternative to the Classical Approach
PublicationThe safety of use of civil engineering structures remains an important issue that is approached by various sciences. Due to this fact, geodetic control measurements are conducted with the purpose of identifying threats connected with the potential displacement of structural elements. In this context, the authors discuss issues connected with determining the displacements of controlled points located in the studied object in a three-dimensional...
The concept of estimation of elevator shaft control measurement results in the local 3D coordinate system.
PublicationGeodetic control measurements play an important part because they provide information about the current state of repair of the construction, which has a direct impact on the safety assessment of its exploitation. Authors in this paper have focused on control measurements of the elevator shaft. The article discusses the problem of determining the deviation of elevator shaft walls from the vertical plane in the local 3D coordinate...
Year 2017
Displacement measurements during load testing of railway arch bridge
PublicationThe paper discusses issues concerning load tests carried out on a twin-track, arch railway bridge over the Martwa Wisla river in Gdansk. Currently, it is the bridge with the longest span in its class in Poland. The load-bearing structure consists of three no-hinge arches and an orthotropic deck suspended from them. The studies of the structure assumed the performing of static and dynamic tests. The paper presents the method for...
Year 2016
3D Monitoring - Identification of measurement problems at larger movements of the tracked points
PublicationAuthors identified the problems associated with the determination of the controlled points coordinates by use of automated Total Station placed behind transparent barrier. Important thing in the mentioned analysis was a large change of controlled points position and not stable Total Station’s stand (because of stand’s thermal drift). This two elements, combined with measurement made through glass plate determine the need for impact...
Analyzing the Geometry of the Turnouts and Their Adjustment Basing on the Tacheometer Measurements
Publication -
The geodetic monitoring of the engineering structure – a practical solution of the problem in 3D space
PublicationThe study raises the issues concerning the automatic system designed for the monitoring of movement of controlled points, located on the roof covering of the Forest Opera in Sopot. It presents the calculation algorithm proposed by authors. It takes into account the specific design and location of the test object. High forest stand makes it difficult to use distant reference points. Hence the reference points used to study the stability...
Wykorzystanie lokalnych współczynników wariancji w ocenie istotności przemieszczeń obiektów inżynierskich
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono wykorzystanie lokalnych współczynników wariancji do oceny istotności przemieszczeń. Lokalne współczynniki wariancji i obliczone na ich podstawie macierze kowariancji pozwalają określić prawidłowość przejętych a priori błędów średnich każdej z grup obserwacji, jak również oszacować wartości średnich błędów pomiaru a posteriori w bardziej wiarygodny sposób niż ich szacowanie na podstawie jednego globalnego...
Wykorzystanie pomiarów kątowo-liniowych do badania przemieszczeń zapór wodnych
PublicationW monografii zaprezentowano problematykę związaną z badaniem stabilności zapór wodnych oraz otaczających je terenów. Szczególnemu uwzględnieniu, zarówno teoretycznemu, jaki i praktycznemu, podlegały pomiary geodezyjne. Na przykładzie zapory Czorsztyn-Niedzica omówiono schemat czynności związanych z pomiarem geodezyjnej sieci kątowo-liniowej założonej na monitorowanym obszarze, a także sposób opracowania obserwacji uzyskanych z...
Year 2015
System of monitoring of the Forest Opera in Sopot structure and roofing
PublicationThe authors present a solution realized in Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland) in connection with the modernization and construction of a new roof. The complicated structure of the roof of the facility and the used covering in form of membrane made of technical fabric required (for security reasons) to install the unit of devices allowing for the continuous geodetic monitoring of the facility. Monitoring...
PublicationThe authors present the experience and results of field studies carried out at the technical acceptance of Forest Opera (name in Polish: Opera Leśna) in Sopot (Poland). An unusual design of covering made in the form of “Sheerfill I” technical fabric membrane required spanned in the form of sails, required the use of terrestrial laser scanning. Such approach allowed for the fast and accurate record of the surface of individual panels...
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