Katarzyna Bobkowska - Research data - Bridge of Knowledge


  • Emotion Recognition

    Open Research Data

    The films presented here were recorded using so-called high-speed camera Phantom Miro. To play the movie  You need the special software which can be downloaded from the web site https://www.phantomhighspeed.com/resourcesandsupport/phantomresources/pccsoftware the details of the movie are available after starting the movie in the viewer in the description...

  • Emotion Recognition

    Open Research Data

    The films presented here were recorded using so-called high-speed camera Phantom Miro. To play the movie  You need the special software which can be downloaded from the web site https://www.phantomhighspeed.com/resourcesandsupport/phantomresources/pccsoftware the details of the movie are available after starting the movie in the viewer in the description...

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