Katarzyna Merkel - Biographical note - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: dr hab. Katarzyna Merkel

dr hab. Katarzyna Merkel


  • 2017 - present DR at Faculty of Science and Technology, Institute of Materials Engineering
  • 2010 - 2017 Assistant professor at Department of Material Engineering
  • 2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral researcher at Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Research fields

  • No data


Over the past 15 years, my work has mainly been related to the study of liquid crystal compounds with a diverse structure (discotic, dendrimeric, banana, bimedogenic, uniaxial and biaxial nematics and smectics) as well as polymeric materials (biopolymers, nano-composites) and biological materials. My work concerned mainly the issues of organization, observation of orientation effects, studying the dynamics of molecular processes and analyzes of these phenomena at the molecular level, to determine to what extent their properties are controlled by ordering parameters and how macroscopic properties of these materials depend on the structure and organization of them.

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