dr Katarzyna Stankiewicz
- Assistant professor at Department of Entrepreneurship
Mistrzowie Dydaktyki Mistrzowie Dydaktyki
Project realized in Department of Economic Sciences according to MNISW/2020/306/DIR/KH agreement from 2020-10-07
the member of research team
MZP Effectuation model of entrepreneurial teams. How do effective entrepreneurial teams operate?
Project realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/01507 agreement from 2018-01-24
project' team member
Newcomers@Work Newcomers@Work: Strengthening the Employability of Young Refugee and Migrant NEETs
Project realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to 2022-1-PL01-KA220-YOU-000089667 agreement
project' team member
NOMM Organizational maturity model to support the employability of neurodiverse individuals
Project realized in Department of Entrepreneurship according to UMO-2021/43/B/HS4/00499 agreement
seen 3428 times