dr inż. Krystyna Michałowska
- Assistant professor at Department of Geodesy
e-Learning courses
Projekt i praktyka lotu BSP (2021/2022)
Przedmiot Projekt i praktyka lotu BSP prowadzony dla profilu Fotogrametria niskiego pułapu. (Geodezja i kartografia, studia dzienne inżynierskie, sem. VI)
Fotogrametria cyfrowa (2022/2023)
Przedmiot Fotogrametria cyfrowa prowadzony dla profilu Fotogrametria niskiego pułapu. (Geodezja i kartografia, studia dzienne inżynierskie, sem. V)
Teledetekcja niskiego pułapu (2021/2022)
Przedmiot Teledetekcja niskiego pułapu prowadzony dla profilu Fotogrametria niskiego pułapu. (Geodezja i kartografia, studia dzienne inżynierskie, sem. VI)
Informatyka w geodezji 2023_24
Stopień studiów: I Kierunek: Geodezja i Kartografia Specjalność: Geodezja inżynieryjna Semestr: 1
Fotogrametria cyfrowa (2023/2024)
Przedmiot Fotogrametria cyfrowa prowadzony dla profilu Fotogrametria niskiego pułapu. (Geodezja i kartografia, studia dzienne inżynierskie, sem. V)
2024_2025_Metody analizy zobrazowań teledetekcyjnych
Informatyka w geodezji
Stopień studiów: I Kierunek: Geodezja i Kartografia Specjalność: Geodezja inżynieryjna Semestr: 1
Metody analizy zobrazowań teledetekcyjnych
Nazwa przedmiotu: Metody analizy zobrazowań teledetekcyjnych Start semestru: październik 2020 Rok akademicki realizacji przedmiotu: 2020/2021 Forma zajęć: W, Ćw. – w formie zdalnej Nazwa przedmiotu: Metody analizy zobrazowań teledetekcyjnych Kierunek studiów: Geodezja i Kartografia Wydział: Wydział Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Poziom kształcenia: Studia II Stopnia Forma studiów: Studia stacjonarne Rok studiów: 2 Semestr...
Conducted classes
Master thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Practical applications of photogrammetry and remote sensing (group project)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Low-level aerial remote sensing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Engineering Geodesy
Profile: Fotogrametria niskiego pułapu
Methods of remote sensing analysis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Remote Sensing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Engineering Geodesy
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering -
Master thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Low-level aerial remote sensing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Teledetekcja morza
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Engineering project
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Engineering Geodesy
Practical applications of photogrammetry and remote sensing (group project)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Photogrammetry and remote sensing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Environmental Engineering
Specialization: Sanitary Engineering
Methods of remote sensing analysis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Master thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Master thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Engineering project
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Engineering Geodesy
Teledetekcja morza
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Field of study: Coastal and Offshore Engineering
Methods of remote sensing analysis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Master thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Remote Sensing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Engineering Geodesy
Methods of remote sensing analysis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Group project (photogrametry and remote sensing)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Master thesis
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Advanced remote sensing methods
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Advanced remote sensing methods B
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringField of study: Geodesy and Cartography
Specialization: Engineering Geodesy
seen 3437 times