Leon Swędrowski - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


Profile photo: prof. dr hab. inż. Leon Swędrowski

prof. dr hab. inż. Leon Swędrowski

Business contact

Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
+48 58 348 62 62


Publication showcase

  • Novel condition monitoring of induction motor bearings via motor current signature analysis

    The paper authors are researching the assessment of bearing conditions in induction motors. The methods developed by the authors are based on measurements and analysis of the motor supply current, which is particularly attractive in the absence of access to the engine. The article provides an overview of selected methods of induction motor bearings diagnostic based on Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA). However, there is no...

    Full text available to download

  • Pomiary w diagnostyce silników indukcyjnych klatkowych

    - Year 2013

    W diagnostyce silników indukcyjnych atrakcyjne są metody bezczujnikowe, oparte na pomiarach i analizie parametrów elektrycznych silnika, gdyż w tym przypadku aparatura diagnostyczna może być zlokalizowana z dala od obiekty badanego. W pracy dokonano przeglądu metod diagnostycznych silników indukcyjnych, zarówno metod klasycznych jak i nowych, opracowanych w ostatnich latach. Autor przedstawił ostatnie wyniki swoich badań nad...

  • Current-based higher-order spectral covariance as a bearing diagnostic feature for induction motors

    - INSIGHT - Year 2016

    Conducting the diagnosis of induction motors remotely by analyzing the supply current is an attractive prospect with the lack of access to the engine. Currently, there is no solution, based on analysis of the current, the credibility of which would allow its use in industry. The statistics of bearing failures in induction motors indicate that they constitute more than 40% of induction motor damage, therefore, bearing diagnosis...

seen 2020 times