Maciej Łojkowski
total: 20
Catalog Publications
Year 2023
Design of polymeric thin films with nanovolcanoes for trapping hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to promote or inhibit cell proliferation
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Microstructure and properties of an AZ61 alloy after extrusion with a forward-backward oscillating die without preheating of the initial billet
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Nanostructured graphene oxide enriched with metallic nanoparticles as a biointerface to enhance cell adhesion through mechanosensory modifications
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On the Effect of Non-Thermal Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment on the Properties of PET Film
Year 2022
Calcification Alters the Viscoelastic Properties of Tendon Fascicle Bundles Depending on Matrix Content
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Nanocomposites of Graphene Oxide—Silver Nanoparticles for Enhanced Antibacterial Activity: Mechanism of Action and Medical Textiles Coating
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The role of solvent solubility parameters in the formation of intermittent low and high molecular weight polystyrene rich structures in a thin film resulting from water vapor induced phase separation
Year 2021
Comparison of the Toxicity of Pristine Graphene and Graphene Oxide, Using Four Biological Models
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Drug-Releasing Antibacterial Coating Made from Nano-Hydroxyapatite Using the Sonocoating Method
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High-resolution microscopy assisted mechanical modeling of ultrafine electrospun network
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Water vapor induced self-assembly of islands/honeycomb structure by secondary phase separation in polystyrene solution with bimodal molecular weight distribution
Year 2019
Mechanism for sonocoating a polymer surface with nano-hydroxyapatite
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<p>Mechano-signalling, induced by fullerene C<sub>60</sub> nanofilms, arrests the cell cycle in the G2/M phase and decreases proliferation of liver cancer cells</p>
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Tuning the Wettability of a Thin Polymer Film by Gradually Changing the Geometry of Nanoscale Pore Edges
Year 2018
Graphene Oxide-Based Nanocomposites Decorated with Silver Nanoparticles as an Antibacterial Agent
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Improving osteoblasts cells proliferation via femtosecond laser surface modification of 3D-printed poly-ε-caprolactone scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications
Year 2017
Microstructure and nanomechanical properties of single stalks from diatom Didymosphenia geminata and their change due to adsorption of selected metal ions
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SEM investigations of the mechanism of formation and growth of nanohydroxyapatite layers coated with ultrasonic method
Year 2016
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