Maciej Majewski - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


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Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
+48 58 348 62 62

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Publication showcase

  • Worm Gear Drives with Improved Kinematic Accuracy

    - Materials - Year 2021

    This paper presents the fundamentals of the design and applications of new worm gear drive solutions, which enable the minimisation of backlash and are characterised by higher kinematic accuracy. Different types of worm surfaces are briefly outlined. Technological problems concerning the principles of achieving a high degree of precision in machining are also described. Special attention is paid to the shaping of conical helical...

    Full text available to download

  • Modelling and Analysis of the Positioning Accuracy in the Loading Systems of Mobile Cranes

    - Materials - Year 2022

    In this work, the authors analyse the influence of the order and range of sequential movements of a crane's working members on the accuracy of the final cargo positioning. The analysis was conducted on the basis of a specially developed method in which the authors proposed the introduction of a geometrical indicator of positioning the load in the intermediate positions (after completing each movement sequence) and in the target...

    Full text available to download

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