dr inż. Małgorzata Rutkowska
- Assistant professor at Department of Analytical Chemistry
total: 56
Catalog Publications
Year 2024
Analytical progress on emerging pollutants in the environment: An overview of the topics
PublicationThis overview discusses the ideas behind a collection of articles by invited authors on a diverse range of complex chemical mixtures and analytical methods which represent some of the most relevant and interesting issues on emerging contaminants of environmental health concerns. These chemicals, including those in high volume production, are released on an ongoing basis as a result of various human activities. Moreover, these emerging contaminants...
Evaluation of the Safety and Potential Benefits of Beetroot‑Based Dietary Supplements According to Their Elemental Composition
PublicationThe study aimed to assess the health value and safety associated with the consumption of the chosen 37 beetroot-based dietary supplements (DSs). An optimized and validated analytical procedure, using a method called microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES), was developed to determine the profiles of 19 elements (Na, K, Fe, Ca, Pt, Zn, Cd, Cu, V, Co, Ni, Pb, Mo, Mg, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba) in the DSs. The products were...
Modifications of silicate bioglass synthesis and composition for in vitro dissolution control: Static and dynamic assessment
PublicationA set of fifteen calcium-phosphate-silicate glass samples, varying in alkali, magnesium, silicon, and nitrogen content, was prepared, and their structural, thermal, and in vitro dissolution properties were analyzed. Infrared spectroscopy showed a high degree of depolymerization of the silicate network consisting mainly of Q2 and Q3 units. Thermal analysis showed that the silicon content primarily affects both the glass transition...
Non-carcinogenic human risk assessment of the consumption of infant formulas contaminated with total and organic mercury
PublicationThe quality of food is paramount for the healthy growth and development of children, with nutrients and contaminants like mercury playing significant roles here. In this study, the levels of total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in infant formulas such as the first infant formula, hypoallergenic formula, comfort formula against colic and constipation, and anti-reflux formula were investigated. A validated and optimized cold...
Solid Supports and New Advanced Materials used in Microextraction processes Metal-organic framework-based solid-phase microextraction for air samples analysis: a mini-review
PublicationSPME methods are now extremely popular. Recent advances in SPME have focused on the development of new materials as sorbent coatings capable of providing high extraction efficiencies, as well as high selectivity with high mechanical and chemical stability. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have become an extremely popular material due to their unique properties (large surface area, selective gas adsorption, tunable structures, high...
Year 2023
A simplified approach to determine the expiration date of certified reference material based on the results of monitoring long-term stability
PublicationAll components of the quality assurance (QA) system for measurement results depend heavily on certified reference materials (CRMs). There is a need for a comprehensive discussion of the stability study using the CRM statistical method. Monitoring involves periodic sampling and analysis of the CRM at predetermined intervals to continuously monitor stability without compromising its integrity. The obtained stability data is then...
Chemical, Aroma and Pro-Health Characteristics of Kaffir Lime Juice—The Approach Using Optimized HS-SPME-GC-TOFMS, MP-OES, 3D-FL and Physiochemical Analysis
PublicationThe study aimed to provide the chemical, aroma and prohealth characteristics of the kaffir lime juice. A procedure using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography (SPME-GC-TOFMS) was optimized and validated for the determination of terpenes of kaffir lime. Main physicochemical parameters: pH, vitamin C, citric acid and °Brix were evaluated. Micro- and macro elements were determined using microwave plasma optic emission...
Determination of the Major By-Products of Citrus hystrix Peel and Their Characteristics in the Context of Utilization in the Industry
PublicationKaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a popular citrus in Southeast Asia. Despite the growing interest in the peel of the fruit, the leaves are the most frequently used part of the fruit. The aim of the study was to determine the main by-products of the peel, such as pectins, minerals, essential oil, and bioactive compounds, and to evaluate the possibility of using them in various branches of industry. In the study of the essential oil...
Estimation of smokers' exposure to mercury from combustible tobacco products, based on the approach used in food consumers’ exposure estimation
PublicationSmoking has been known to mankind for centuries, but it is only in recent decades that much attention has been paid to the harmfulness of this habit. Mercury inhalation is particularly dangerous in this respect and smoking creates extremely favorable conditions for the emission and targeted delivery of this element into the lungs. Despite this fact, a lack of a clear method for estimating the exposure of tobacco consumers to mercury...
Metal-Organic Frameworks in Green Analytical Chemistry
PublicationTaking into consideration the rapid expansion of MOFs applications in the analytical chemistry area, it is important to evaluate the existing and future analytical MOF-based methods according to GAC principles. From this point of view, eco-friendly MOFs-based methods should include features such as: green design and synthesis of MOF, evaluation of toxicity issues of MOFs, and incorporation of MOFs in GAC methods. This Chapter will...
Problem jakości powietrza wewnętrznego na przykładzie placówek opieki nad dziećmi
PublicationZgodnie z informacjami udostępnionymi przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia, zanieczyszczone powietrze, jest przyczyną siedmiu milionów przedwczesnych zgonów na całym świecie. Wciąż jednak w społeczeństwie panuje przeświadczenie, że największe ryzyko dla zdrowia człowieka płynie z oddychania powietrzem atmosferycznym, pomijając istotność jakości powietrza wewnętrznego, które może być zanieczyszczone w podobnym stopniu lub nawet w...
The accessibility, necessity, and significance of certified reference materials for total selenium content and its species to improve food laboratories' performance
PublicationMicronutrients are one of the most important groups of nutrients that our body needs daily in trace amounts to tackle deficiencies. Selenium (Se) is a mineral that occurs naturally in foods and is an essential component of selenoproteins that support the healthy functioning of the human body. Therefore, monitoring dietary Se concentrations must be a higher priority to meet daily intakes. Fulfillment can be addressed through applying...
Year 2022
A method for the analysis of methylmercury and total Hg in fungal matrices
PublicationThe aim of the study was to develop an efficient method for the determination of monomethyl-mercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) content in materials such as fungal sporocarps and sclerotia. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) with the assigned values of MeHg and THg as well as the control materials (dried mushrooms) with known content of THg were evaluated for method validation. Recovery of MeHg from reference materials was...
Biocomposites from recycled resources as candidates for laboratory reference material to validate analytical tools used in organic compounds emissions investigation
PublicationA suitably chosen reference material should meet specific criteria like representing one of the compound classes most commonly occurring in indoor materials as well as having optimal long-term stability during storage and transport to its destination point and having a compact size. The described interdisciplinary pilot research was aimed to develop and characterize a polymer-based candidate for the laboratory reference material...
Effect of Nb and Al on in vitro dissolution behavior and structure of Na2O-MgO CaO-P2O5 glasses
PublicationIn vitro dissolution, structure, and thermal properties of the glass series Na2O-MgOsingle bondCaOsingle bondNb2O5 -Al2O3-P2O5 were studied. The dissolution behavior in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) confirmed the potential bioactive properties of tested glasses. The dissolution process was found to depend on the Al, Nb, and Mg contents. Al, respectively, suppresses the Nb and accelerates the Mg release process from the glasses....
Mercury content in beetroot and beetroot-based dietary supplements
PublicationTotal mercury (THg) concentrations in fifty-four beetroot-based DSs and seven lots of conventional and organic beetroots (divided into unpeeled, peeled, and skins) were determined by direct thermal decomposition-gold amalgamation cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The recovery (%) for Hg was 101.9 and 92.73 in BCR-463 and DOLT 4, respectively. The intermediate precision...
Mineral Composition of Dietary Supplements-Analytical and Chemometric Approach
PublicationThere is a lack of data on the actual composition and effectiveness of beetroot-based dietary supplements. The research aimed to determine the profile of 22 elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, As, Se, Zn, Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Mo, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba, Li, Pb, Cd) in beetroot and its supplements by the microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) method. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The composition of both...
Recent advances on SOA formation in indoor air, fate and strategies for SOA characterization in indoor air - A review
PublicationRecent studies proves that indoor air chemistry differs in many aspects from atmospheric one. People send up to 90 % of their life indoors being exposed to pollutants present in gas, particle and solid phase. Particle phase indoor is composed of particles emitted from various sources, among which there is an indoor source – secondary chemical reactions leading to formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Lately, researchers'...
The importance and availability of marine certified reference materials
PublicationTraceability and reliable results are the two pillars of analytical methods; certified reference materials (CRMs) meet this requirement. ISO 17034:2016 credentials provide brief information on general requirements for the competence of Reference Material Producers (RMPs). The different types of CRMs have been produced in recent years for chemical analysis in food, water, soil, and sediment matrices in recent years. This review...
The valance state of vanadium-key factor in the flexibility of potassium vanadates structure as cathode materials in Li-ion batteries
PublicationPotassium hexavanadate (K2V6O16·nH2O) nanobelts have been synthesized by the LPE-IonEx method, which is dedicated to synthesis of transition metal oxide bronzes with controlled morphology and structure. The electrochemical performance of K2V6O16·nH2O as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries has been evaluated. The KVO nanobelts demonstrated a high discharge capacity of 260 mAh g−1, and long-term cyclic stability up to 100...
Total mercury and methylmercury (MeHg) in braised and crude Boletus edulis carpophores during various developmental stages
PublicationWe collected and processed Boletus edulis (King Bolete) carpophores grouped in four batches based on their developmental stage (button stage, young—white, large—white, and large—yellow). The study aimed, for the first time, to examine the B. edulis content and effect of braising and to estimate the intake of total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) from a single meal based on whole (wet) weight (ww) and dry weight (dw). In...
Year 2021
Are deep eutectic solvents useful in chromatography? A short review
PublicationA literature update has been done concerning Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) use in chromatography applications. The literature survey was based on the period from 2010 till 2020 and manuscripts reported in the data bases Web of Science and Scopus. The use of DES as mobile phase and mobile phase additives, stationary phases and solid phase modifiers and the use of DES as reaction solvents for chromatography use, were evaluated. Emphasis...
Mercury in Living Organisms: Sources and Forms of Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Determination Methods
PublicationMercury (Hg) is a heavy metal with well-known and broadly tested toxicity. Since Hg pollution and its impacts on human health are of global concern, it has become necessary to develop analytical methodologies that will provide tools to obtain reliable analytical information about the levels of Hg in samples, which very often have a complex matrix composition. This chapter summarizes key information on Hg and its chemical forms,...
Selenium enrichment in broccoli sprouts as an initial step in the preparation of Certified Reference Material
PublicationSelenium is considered one of the essential elements in animals and humans. The main source of selenium intake for humans is the diet. Selenium deficiency has one of the most concerning issues worldwide. Broccoli sprouts are five-to-six-day old broccoli plants,...
Year 2020
Production of certified reference materials - homogeneity and stability study based on the determination of total mercury and methylmercury
PublicationReference materials (RMs) play an important role in all elements of the quality assurance system of measurements. In this work, ``package'' 4 new CRMs (bottom sediment, herring tissue, cod tissue, cormorant tissue) were prepared and characterised to carry out the quality control in monitoring analysis of mercury and methylmercury in environmental samples. Materials - candidates were collected in Poland and south part of the Czech...
Real-Time Volatilomics: A Novel Approach for Analyzing Biological Samples
PublicationThe use of the ‘omics techniques in environmental research has become common-place. The most widely implemented of these include metabolomics, proteomics, genomics, and transcriptomics. In recent years, a similar approach has also been taken with the analysis of volatiles from biological samples, giving rise to the so-called ‘volatilomics’ in plant analysis. Developments in direct infusion mass spectrometry (DI-MS) techniques have...
Rtęć w organizmach żywych – źródła i formy występowania, bioakumulacja, metody oznaczania
PublicationRtęć (Hg) jest metalem ciężkim o znanej i szeroko badanej toksyczności. Toksyczność rtęci zależy od formy chemicznej tego pierwiastka. Metylortęć (MeHg) jest uważana za najbardziej toksyczną formę rtęci, która po spożyciu jest bioakumulowana i biomagnifikowana w organizmach znajdujących się na kolejnych, następujących po sobie, ogniwach łańcucha pokarmowego. W ekosystemach wodnych, mikroorganizmy przekształcają nieorganiczne formy...
Year 2019
Liquid–phase microextraction: A review of reviews
PublicationSample preparation is an important step in chemical analysis. It is generally done to deal with problems associated with the nature of the matrix, low analyte concentrations in real samples or analyte features incompatible with the instrumentation. Classical methods of extraction consume large volumes of hazardous solvents and other reagents and are not in line with the recent emergence of green analytical chemistry. Liquid-phase...
Methylmercury and total mercury content in soft tissues of two bird species wintering in the Baltic Sea near Gdansk, Poland
PublicationOf the various forms of Hg occurring in nature, (mono) methylmercury (MeHg) is an especially toxic form and practically all forms of Hg can be converted into MeHg as a result of natural processes. Total mercury (THg) and MeHg were determined in tissues of two piscivorous birds: razorbill Alca torda and black-throated loon Gavia arctica to provide baseline data on current mercury concentrations for liver, kidneys and pectoral muscle...
Molecularly imprinted polymers applied in capillary electrochromatography and electrophoresis techniques
PublicationMolecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are synthetic materials with predetermined selectivity for a particular analyte or group of structure-linked chemicals which make them an ideal separation component. The process of developing and applying new types of MIPs in the field of environmental analytical chemistry has been broadly discussedi n many scientific studies in recent years. The use of new types of MIP sorbents as unique sorption...
Ptasie pióra jako biomonitory do uzyskiwania informacji o stanie środowiska
PublicationWzrost antropopresji sprawia, że do poszczególnych elementów ekosystemów emitowane są duże ilości różnych ksenobiotyków. W efekcie konieczne jest stałe monitorowanie poziomu zawartości ekotoksyn w poszczególnych elementach środowiska wykorzystując procedury analityczne charakteryzujące się odpowiednimi parametrami metrologicznymi, takimi jak: duża precyzja i dokładność, mała wartość liczbowa granicy oznaczalności i wykrywalności...
Quantitative assessment
PublicationThe main trends in the development of analytical chemistry are the determination of increasingly lower concentrations of analytes in samples with complex matrix composition (trace analysis). While the obtained analytical results must be reliable, which means that they must accurately (truly and precisely) reflect the actual content of analytes in a representative sample of the material object under study. However, it is an extremely...
Recent trends in determination of neurotoxins in aquatic environmental samples
PublicationAnatoxins, saxitoxins, ciguatoxins, beta-N-methylamino-l-alanine and its isomers are groups of neurotoxins which have a highly specific effect on the nervous system of animals, including humans, by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses. In order to assess the human exposure to these neurotoxins, selective, interlaboratory-validated analytical methods are being developed to facilitate obtaining reliable results on...
Solid Phase Microextraction: Apparatus, Sorbent Materials, and Application.
Publicationhe primary objective of this review article is to strategically screen and highlight the advancements in the area of solid phase microextraction (SPME). The plenty of review articles have been written on different aspects of SPME, this review is dedicated to provide the brief but clear overview of the research footprints so produced from SPME. Some of the key advancements in types and designs, coating materials, coating strategies,...
Year 2018
Application of molecularly imprinted polymers in analytical chiral separations and analysis
PublicationOver the last two decades the process of development and application of a new types of molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) sorbents in the field of analytical chemistry have been widely described in the literature. One of the new trends in analytical chemistry practice is the use of new types of MIP sorbents as specific sorption materials constituting the stationary phase in advanced separation techniques. The following review paper...
Birds' feathers – Suitable samples for determination of environmental pollutants
PublicationThe intensive development of industry and human population results in large amounts of different xenobiotic emitted into individual ecosystem components. As a consequence, monitoring of the level of pollution of particular elements of the environment by exotoxins has become a common interest. The determination of environmental changes by different types of biological indicators is called bioindication, which is used as one of the...
Homogeneity study of candidate reference material (contaminated soil) based on determination of selected metals, PCBs and PAHs
PublicationReference materials (RMs) are an indispensable part of QA/QC system and have played a critical role in the continual expansion of analytical capabilities of the analytical laboratories. The homogeneity study of the candidate for reference material is essential for the quality of reference material (certified reference material) used in quality assurance activities. The homogeneity study of candidate for reference materials of contaminated...
Main complications connected with detection, identification and determination of trace organic constituents in complex matrix samples
PublicationIt is well known that some problems with the determination of organic analytes at trace level can occur. This issue is connected with contamination during each stage of the analytical procedure from sampling to sample preparation up to chromatographic analysis, which often leads to false-positive or overestimated results. Another problem associated with determination of analytes occurs at trace- and ultra-trace level is a background...
Year 2017
Application of additional factors supporting the microextraction process
PublicationDue to the fact that green analytical chemistry is of high importance, the past two decades have witnessed a rapid growth in the sample preparation area with special emphasis on simplification, miniaturization and automation of extraction procedures. In addition, to accelerate the extraction processes and to improve the separation of analytes, several enhanced parameters are applied. These factors include, ultrasounds, microwaves,...
Badanie jednorodności i trwałości kandydatów na materiały odniesienia (gleba, osad denny, tkanka śledzia, tkanka dorsza, tkanka kormorana) na podstawie wyników oznaczania całkowitej zawartości rtęci i metylortęci
PublicationZe względu na specyficzne właściwości rtęci oraz możliwość utworzenia połączeń, które wykazują zdolność do bioakumulacji w tkankach i narządach organizmów na różnych poziomach łańcucha troficznego, konieczne stało się uzyskanie szczegółowych informacji na temat źródeł emisji do środowiska oraz losu środowiskowego rtęci. W związku z tym, że pomiary analityczne ukierunkowane są na identyfikację oraz ilościowe oznaczanie trucizn środowiskowych...
Ciecze głęboko eutektyczne pochodzenia naturalnego jako nowe medium ekstrakcji
Determination of Selected Metals in Fruit Wines by Spectroscopic Techniques
PublicationThe determination of metals in different types of food and beverages samples has drawn significant attention due to several reasons with the most important one being the nutritional and toxic effects of these elements or their compounds. The knowledge of certain elements content in wines/fruit wines is of special interest due to their toxicity in case of excessive intake and also the effect they seem to have on the organoleptic...
Development of potential candidate reference materials for drugs in bottom sediment, cod and herring tissues
PublicationRegular use of a reference material and participation in a proficiency testing program can improve the reliability of analytical data. This paper presents the preparation of candidate reference materials for the drugs metoprolol, propranolol, carbamazepine, naproxen, and acenocoumarol in freshwater bottom sediment and cod and herring tissues. These reference materials are not available commercially. Drugs (between 7 ng/g and 32...
Extraction with environmentally friendly solvents
PublicationThe ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at low concentration levels in complex matrices requires a preliminary step of analytes isolation/enrichment in order to employ a detection technique characterized by high sensitivity at low LOQ. Sample preparation is considered as crucial part of analytical procedures. Previously the parameter of “greenness” is as important as selectivity in order to avoid using harmful organic...
Solid phase microextraction: state of the art, opportunities and applications
PublicationSolid phase microextraction is one of the most popular green techniques used for sample preparations in analytical chemistry. It is a simple, rapid, sensitive, and solvent-free technique. Since SPME was first introduced in the early 1990s, there has been an intensification of research in order to elaborate new methodical solutions in many research facilities around the world, which could increase the use of this technique. More...
Ultrasound assisted extraction
PublicationThe use of green and sustainable extraction techniques is very popular topic in the multidisciplinary area of chemistry, biology and technology. There is no doubt that extraction constitutes a very important step of analytical procedures of separation, detection, identification and determination of wide spectrum analytes from samples characterized by complex and very often nonhomogeneous composition of matrix. Traditional techniques...
Year 2016
PublicationDeveloping new, eco-friendly solvents which would meet technological and economic demands is perhaps the most popular aspects of Green Chemistry. Natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) fully meet green chemistry principles. These solvents offer many advantages including biodegradability, low toxicity, sustainability, low costs and simple preparation. This paper provides an overview of knowledge regarding NADES with special emphasis...
Year 2014
Microextraction Techniques Used in the Procedures for Determining Organomercury and Organotin Compounds in Environmental Samples
PublicationDue to human activities, the concentrations of organometallic compounds in all parts of the environment have increased in recent decades. The toxicity and some biochemical properties of mercury and tin present in the environment depend on the concentration and chemical form of these two elements. The ever-increasing demand for determining compounds at very low concentration levels in samples with complex matrices requires...
Organomercury compounds in environmental samples: emission sources, toxicity, environmental fate and determination.
PublicationIn view of the specific properties of mercury and its capability of forming compounds that can be bioaccumulated and biomagnified at successive levels of the trophic pyramid, it has become necessary to gather detailed information on the sources of emission of this element into the environment and its fate there. Moreover, the increasing awareness of the relationship between the toxicity of mercury and its chemical form has sharpened...
Сертифицированные эталонные материалы - неотъемлемый инструмент при контроле и обеспечения качества измерений.
PublicationСправочные материалы являются важным элементом системы управления и измерения обеспечения качества. Спрос на аналитическую информацию о составе различных материальных объектов делает его незаменимым является производство еще более широкий спектр материалов.
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