GC electrode functionalization, DEIS studies - Open Research Data - Bridge of Knowledge


GC electrode functionalization, DEIS studies


This dataset contains experimental results from electrochemical studies of aptamer-based biosensors composed of self-organised AuNC at GC electrode for the rapid detection of E. coli in real human urine samples through polymerase RNA.  The study discusses the electrode in each functionalisation step by attaching a non-coding strand of the oligonucleotide and attaching the complementary strand in the hybridisation process. The dataset includes functionalisation steps that lead to an increase in the thickness of the layer functionalised at the electrode surface, which successively increases the charge transfer resistance, RCT and differences in the charge transfer kinetics process. All electrochemical measurements were performed on an Autolab M204 potentiostat (Metrohm) using a three-electrode system. CV and EIS measurements were conducted in a solution consisting of equimolar amounts of 1 mM K3[Fe(CN)6 ] and  1mM [Fe(CN)6] dissolved in 0.01 M PBS (pH 7.4).  The impedance monitoring (DEIS) was performed using an AC signal consisting of a package of 21 elementary sinusoids, ranging from 3 to 4500 Hz, superimposed on a DC voltammetry scan, from − 0.35 V to 0.60 V, scan rate 2 mV/s. The DEIS  measurements were used to perform the multiparametric impedance discriminant analysis (MIDA).

Dataset file

1_GC electrode functionalization, DEIS studies.rar
25.2 MB, S3 ETag d3660ba337dce39387827d98fb2b98be-1, downloads: 0
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File details

Creative Commons: by 4.0 open in new tab
Raw data:
Data contained in dataset was not processed.


Year of publication:
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Dataset language:
Fields of science:
  • materials engineering (Engineering and Technology)
DOI ID 10.34808/cw4t-3q66 open in new tab
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology



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