Thermgravimetric analysis (TGA) data of cement pastes containing pristine and silica-coated bismuth oxide and gadolinium oxide particles
Thermogravimetric (TGA) data of cement pastes after 2, 7 and 28 days. Samples designations: Control, BG, BG-A and BG-B are associated with the specimen names in the associated publication.
Control - Pristine Portland cement paste
BG - Cement paste containing 10 wt% replacement of cement with Bi2O3+Gd2O3 structures
BG-A - Cement paste containing 10 wt% replacement of cement with silica-coated Bi2O3+Gd2O3 (synthesis method A) structures
BG-B - Cement paste containing 10 wt% replacement of cement with silica-coated Bi2O3+Gd2O3 (synthesis method B) structures
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of cement pastes after 2 d, 7 d and 28 d of curing was performed using TA Instruments 5500 in nitrogen, with a heat rate 10 °C/min, up to 1000 °C. To perform the measurement, the cubic specimens were crushed and immersed in the solvent (isopropanol) to stop the hydration process for 1 h. Afterward, the material was dried using a vacuum dryer (40 °C) and milled to fine powder.
Each folder contains raw data in *.tri format accesible using Trios software ( - and *.txt file
Dataset file
where a single part of the file is 512 MB in size.Example script for calculation:
File details
- License:
open in new tab
CC BYAttribution - Raw data:
- Data contained in dataset was not processed.
- Software:
- Trios
- Year of publication:
- 2024
- Verification date:
- 2024-03-04
- Dataset language:
- English
- Fields of science:
- materials engineering (Engineering and Technology)
- DOI:
- DOI ID 10.34808/fx5a-cp08 open in new tab
- Funding:
- Verified by:
- West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin
- publication Functional Bi2O3/Gd2O3 Silica-Coated Structures for Improvement of Early Age and Radiation Shielding Performance of Cement Pastes
- project The development of complex nanometric structures for tailoring the shielding and rheological properties of cement-based mixtures used in 3D printing technology
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