Paweł Gora - Science profile - Bridge of Knowledge


Business contact

Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii
Al. Zwycięstwa 27, 80-219 Gdańsk
+48 58 348 62 62


Publication showcase

  • Microscopic traffic simulation models for connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) – state-of-the-art

    • P. Gora
    • C. Kartakazas
    • A. Drabicki
    • F. Islam
    • P. Ostaszewski

    - Procedia Computer Science - Year 2020

    Research on connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) has been gaining substantial momentum in recent years. However, thevast amount of literature sources results in a wide range of applied tools and datasets, assumed methodology to investigate thepotential impacts of future CAVs traffic, and, consequently, differences in the obtained findings. This limits the scope of theircomparability and applicability and calls for a proper standardization...

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  • Adaptive traffic optimization using Variable Speed Limits; Adaptacyjna optymalizacja ruchu drogowego przy pomocy zmiennych ograniczeń prędkości

    - Year 2020

    Variable speed limits (VSL) is an intelligent transportation system (ITS) solution for traffic management. The speed limits can be changed dynamically in order to adapt to traffic, weather, or road surface conditions. This paper presents an approach for such an adaptive traffic control where the primary goal is to ensure traffic safety and efficiency of the traffic control system (fast response to dynamically changing traffic,...

    Full text to download in external service

  • O nadjeżdżającej rewolucji w transporcie

    - Pismo PG - Year 2020

    1,3 miliona – tyle osób rocznie na świecie ginie w wypadkach drogowych. Ponad 20 milionów zostaje rannych! 4 miliardy złotych – prawie tyle rocznie tracą kierowcy w 7 największych miastach w Polsce z powodu korków (a są to jedynie szacowane koszty straconego czasu i paliwa, bez uwzględnienia np. negatywnego wpływu na środowisko). Czy możemy coś z tym zrobić?

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