dr hab. Paweł Jurek
- Associate Professor at Zakład Psychologii Społecznej
- 2007 - present Associate Professor at Institute of Psychology
Self-Censorship in a Workplace: The Role of Gender, Management Position, Procedural Justice and Organizational Climate
Open Research DataData consist of three studies. In study 1 (N = 948) we test whether women manifest more self-censorship than men and we verify whether this effect is maintained when women and men hold managerial position. Then, we analyse the effects of procedural justice (study 2, N = 98) and communal organizational climate (study 3, N = 567) on women’s and men’s...
Compliance with the restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland and Sweden
Open Research DataOur study is aimed to check if the difference between Sweden and Poland in trust is related to negative affective reactions to authorities and law antipathy being manifestations of lack of trust and related to value-based legitimacy, behavioral legitimacy and prosocial justification of compliance with the restrictions put on citizens to limit the spread...
Lack of control over work and organizational citizenship behavior: overwork climate as a suppressor variable
Open Research DataThis study investigates a suppressor effect in the relationship between lack of control over work and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Suppressor effects operate when the addition of a predictor (in our study it is an overwork climate) increases the predictive power of another variable (lack of control over work) in predicting an outcome variable...
Employees’ self-expansion, work conditions, work engagement and productive behaviours: study 1&2
Open Research DataIn the following studies conducted in Poland, we examined the importance of workplace self-expansion and found that it is a significant mediator between job resources (e.g. compensation and benefits, job tasks) and work engagement (Study 1) as well as task-oriented engagement (Study 2). At the same time, our findings prove that job demands (e.g. role...
Self-competence and histrionic self-presentation style
Open Research DataThe database contains the results from N = 2642 respondents who answered demographic questions and completed two questionnaires measuring the general self-competence and the histrionic self-presentation style. The concept of self-competence is considered as a person’s perception of their own ability to behave such that tasks are successfully completed....
Multiple group membership and collective action: study 1&2
Open Research DataDatasets from two studies, conducted in Poland, on the relation between identity fusion, group identification, multiple group membership, perceived injustice, and collective action intention. The purpose of the present studies was to examine (a) whether multiple group membership (in the context of opinion-based groups) relates to collective action (CA)...
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