dr hab. inż. Piotr Grudowski
- Head of Department of Mangement Engineering and Quality at Faculty of Management and Economics
- Professor at Katedra Inżynierii Zarządzania i Jakości
Professor Dr hab. Eng. Piotr Grudowski heads the Department of Quality and Commodity Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdansk University of Technology. In the years 1987-2009 he worked at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology, where he obtained a doctoral degree in technical sciences in the discipline of construction and operation of machines and he headed the Department of Quality Engineering and Metrology.
He conducts teaching in Polish and English at the first and second degree studies and doctoral studies. He has promoted 2 doctors and is a promoter in 8 doctoral dissertations.
He led numerous scientific projects financed by KBN, MNiSW and NCN. The last of these is the NCN OPUS (2013-2017) project on the compatibility of changes in legislation related to science and higher education with the pro-quality management discipline. He also participated in several international and national projects.
He has authored and co-authored 16 books and approximately 200 articles in international and national peer-reviewed journals on quality management, models of excellence, normative management systems including broadly understood security and risk, their integration and methods used in diagnosing, supervising and improving processes. Particularly interested in the issues of quality engineering, process management and normative management systems in the SME sector and in the public sector.
Since 2012 he has been in the Pomeranian Quality Prize and since 2013 in the Chapter of the Polish Quality Award and the Committee for Standardization and Quality of the National Chamber of Commerce. He is the president of the Gdansk branch of the Polish Society for Production Management and a member of the Management Board of the Scientific Association of Organization and Management in Gdańsk.
He is also an expert in European Union programs (LLP - Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Erasmus +, European Social Fund) in cooperation with FRSE. He is also a member and a reviewer of many national societies and editorial boards (eg Quality Problems, Management and Finance, Enterprise Management) and foreign journals (eg Baltic Journal of Management, Journal of Quality and Safety).
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