Piotr Mioduszewski - Publications - Bridge of Knowledge



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Catalog Publications

Year 2025
  • ISO test track influence on the EU tyre label noise value

    - APPLIED ACOUSTICS - Year 2025

    In 2009, the European Union (EU) introduced a directive governing the labelling of tyres, which underwent revision in 2020. This labelling system encompasses three key parameters related to tyre performance: wet grip (safety), rolling resistance (energy consumption), and external rolling noise (environmental impact). These label values serve as crucial information for customers seeking to purchase replacement tyres for their vehicles....

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Year 2023
  • Acoustic evaluation of road surfaces using different Close Proximity testing devices

    - APPLIED ACOUSTICS - Year 2023

    According to the valid standard, Close Proximity (CPX) method intends to evaluate the influence of road surfaces on traffic noise. Measurements may be carried out with the use of a self-powered vehicle or a special test trailer equipped with testing tyre towed by another vehicle. Two different testing devices took part in the research organized in Poland in order to determine the ranking of road surfaces in terms of acoustic parameters....

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  • Bitumen-Based Poroelastic Pavements: Successful Improvements and Remaining Issues

    - Materials - Year 2023

    This article presents the development process of designing and testing poroelastic pavement based on highly polymer-modified bitumen. Poroelastic wearing course was composed of mineral and rubber aggregate mixed with highly polymer-modified bitumen, in contrast to previous trials, during which polyurethane resins were mainly used as binder, which led to several serious technological problems concerning difficult production, insufficient...

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  • Modeling the effect of electric vehicles on noise levels in the vicinity of rural road sections

    - Archives of Civil Engineering - Year 2023

    Numerous European countries experience a steady increase in the share of electric (EV) and hybrid electric (HEV) vehicles in the traffic stream. These vehicles, often referred to as low- or zero-emission vehicles, significantly reduce air pollution in the road environment. They also have a positive effect on noise levels in city centers and in the surroundings of low-speed roads. Nevertheless, issues related to modeling noise from...

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  • Representativity of ISO test track surface based on controlled pass-by measurements

    - Year 2023

    Within the Polish-Norwegian research project ELANORE, a limited Round Robin Test has been performed on four ISO tracks in Northern Europe. The basic objective of the project is to improve the EU directive on labelling of tyres for noise and rolling resistance. This directive is based on the measurement procedures proscribed in the UNECE Reg.117. Measurements on 3 ISO tracks were performed in 2021 and presented at InterNoise 2022....

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Year 2022
  • The EU Tyre Noise Label: The problem with measuring the noise level of only a few of all tyre variants

    - Year 2022

    The STEER project, described in another Inter-Noise 2022 paper, has evaluated the performance of the noise label of the European tyre label. The major finding was that uncertainties of the tyre/road noise measurements were higher than should be accepted. One of the worst uncertainty sources was found to be the common practice to measure only some tyres of all sizes or variants within a tyre line, to save money. Generally, only...

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  • Tyre/road noise measurements on ISO tracks according to the UNECE Regulation 117

    - Year 2022

    Within the Polish-Norwegian research project ELANORE, a limited Round Robin Test has been performed on 3 ISO tracks in Northern Europe. The basic objective of the project is to improve the EU directive on labelling of tyres for noise and rolling resistance, and this directive is based on the measurement procedures defined in the UN ECE Reg.117. The same test car, test tyres and measurement equipment as well as personnel were used...

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  • Tyre/road noise measurements on ISO tracks using the modified CPX method

    - Year 2022

    Tyre rolling noise test method specified in the UNECE Regulation 117 is directly used in the Tyre Labelling Directive. Noise level specified on EU Tyre Label of each new tyre available on the European market was determined based on vehicle coast-by noise measurements performed on the standard reference road surface proscribed in the ISO 10844:2014. Available data from investigations by the vehicle and tyre industry and results...

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Year 2021
Year 2019
Year 2018
  • Acoustic lifecycle study of the double-layer porous asphalt on E4 in Huskvarna, Sweden

    - Year 2018

    In 2010 a double-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) pavement was constructed on the E4 motorway through the Swedish city Huskvarna. Earlier experience in Sweden indicated that it was feasible to obtain a high initial noise reduction but due to the widespread use of studded tires in winter, clogging and ravelling created losses of around 2 dB per year, with an expected acoustical lifetime of only 3 years. However, the improved...

  • An in-depth look at the tire rubber hardness influence on tire/road noise measurements

    - Year 2018

    When assessing the acoustic quality of a road pavement with the close-proximity (CPX) or the on-board sound intensity (OBSI) method, the rubber hardness of the reference tire substantially affects the measurement. Practical experience shows that measurement tires can get significantly harder within a single measurement season. This is why one would like to normalize measurements to a reference rubber hardness. The recently published...

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    - Year 2018

    By means of a special simulation tool, the noise emission of a high-capacity heavy vehicle (11 axles) was compared to that of a classic heavy vehicle (a truck-dolly-semitrailer with 8 axles). The two cases are designated “Extended vehicle” versus “Classic vehicle” in this study, having total lengths of 34 and 25 m, respectively. The Classic vehicle represents the most common articulated heavy vehicle configuration for transport...

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  • Poroelastic Road Surface – a Promising Road Traffic Noise Abatement Solution

    - Year 2018

    Road surfaces have a direct impact on the generation of noise by rolling tyres, the main and dominant source of noise of moving vehicles, as well as may affect propagation of noise emitted by all noise sources of a vehicle. Thus there is no doubt that pavement should be considered as one of the major potential road traffic noise abatement measure. Low noise pavements of existing types may in new conditions provide up to 8 dB of...

  • Temperature influence on tyre/road noise on poroelastic road surface based on laboratory measurements

    The temperature effect on measured tyre/road noise is very important phenomena as it may lead to significant errors in measurement results due to substantial influence of this parameter on the obtained values. It depends mainly on the particular tyre-road combination. It is different for dense and porous as well as for bituminous and cement concrete pavements. It differs also depending on tested tyre. The correction procedure for...

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    Poroelastic road surfaces are characterized by low noise of tires running on them.Road pavements of this type are promising solution to problems related to traffic noise in cities and on rural roads. Some technical problems still have to be solved, in particular regarding durability and skid resistance on wet surface. Ongoing and planned works are to contribute to create a quiet, durable and safe road surface, which will become...

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Year 2017
  • Degradation of reference tyres used for CPX measurements

    Measurements of tyre/road noise using the Close Proximity Method are based on reference tyres that are described in ISO/TS 11819-3. The standard specifies two tyres, namely "P1" and "H1" that should be used during measurements. To be used for measurements each tyre must fulfill certain conditions that are listed in the standard. The conditions are related to the tread pattern depth and rubber hardness. During experiments performed...

  • Pavement ageing influence on tyre/road noise

    - Year 2017

    Road surface should be constructed in a way that ensures safe and comfortable traffic conditions, not only when it is newly paved but also during its entire lifetime. An important factor in the asphalt mixture design process is also the expected pavement durability and stability of pavement properties over time. In many countries, road surface starts to play a significant role in traffic noise reduction actions. Selecting a particular...

  • Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies

    The current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...

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Year 2016
Year 2015
Year 2014
  • Noise emitted by SKM Trains in Gdansk

    High intensity traffic of SKM trains in Gdansk carries a significant level of noise emission. SKM line runs through the central part of the city and therefore in the vicinity of residential areas and recreational facilities. This research was planned and performed to find out what was the real noise emission of SKM trains and to determine whether the measurement noise values are within allowed limits. Individual acoustic events...

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  • Pomioary hałasu drogowego

    Ciągły rozwój motoryzacji i związanej z nią infrastruktury drogowej niesie ze sobą oprócz wielu niekwestionowanych korzyści również zagrożenia dla środowiska naturalnego i zdrowia człowieka. Obok emisji szkodliwych substancji do atmosfery jednym z najistotniejszych zagrożeń związanych z pojazdami i ruchem drogowym jest obecnie hałas. Jest on najbardziej odczuwalny w pobliżu głównych ciągów komunikacyjnych oraz przy trasach szybkiego...

  • Road texture influence on tire rolling resistance

    Tire rolling resistance is one of the most important resistive forces acting on road vehicles. It depends on tire and surface characteristics as well as vehicle operating parameters. This paper deals with the influence of road surface texture on rolling resistance of passenger car tires. Results of road measurements performed on variety of road surfaces are presented.

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  • Temperature influence on tyre/road noise of selected tyres

    Air and road temperatures substantially affect road vehicle noise emission. The temperature influence on tyre/road noise depends mainly on tyre-road combination. It is different for dense and porous pavements, for bituminous and cement ones. It differs also depending on tyres. The correction procedures for temperature effect are still under consideration and preparation. Tyre/road noise measurements using CPX method were performed...

  • The best porous asphalt pavement in Sweden so far

    - Year 2014

    In 2010 a double-layer porous asphalt concrete (DPAC) pavement was constructed in various versions on the E4 motorway through the Swedish city Huskvarna. As a result of a court decision the Swedish Transport Administration had to reduce noise emission by applying a low noise road surface that would reduce A-weighted noise levels by 5 dB, as an average. Earlier experience in Sweden indicated that it was possible to obtain a high...

  • Tyre/road noise reduction by a poroelastic road surface

    Low noise road surfaces of existing types may in favourable cases and in new conditions provide up to 7 dB of noise reduction. For higher noise reductions, innovative solutions must be sought. Poroelastic road surfaces (PERS) may be such a solution, which currently is studied in the EU project PERSUADE. This paper presents results of trials with a PERS version prefabricated by one of the project partners. Tests were made in a laboratory...

Year 2013
Year 2012
Year 2011
  • noise map validation by continuous noise monitoring

    Artykuł dotyczy porównania dwóch rodzajów oceny hałasu w aglomeracjigdańskiej. Pierwsza ocena została przygotowana na podstawie prognozy hałasu w oparciu o mapy stworzone metodami obliczeniowymi w roku 2007. Druga ocena bazuje na rzeczywistych danych pomiarowych zarejestrowanych przez system ciągłego monitoringu działającego w aglomeracji od 2008 roku. W artykule zaprezentowano i przeprowadzono analizy występujących różnic pomiędzy...

Year 2010
  • Are vehicles driven in electric mode so quiet that they need acoustic warning signals?

    - Year 2010

    W referacie przedstawiono i przedyskutowano problematykę znacznej redukcji hałasu emitowanego przez pojazdy z napędem elektrycznym i potencjalnego wzrostu zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego związanego z niezauważaniem takich pojazdów przez pieszych uczestników ruchu. Rozważano konieczność instalowania w takich pojazdach specjalnych sygnałów ostrzegawczych. Zestawiano ilość wypadków z udziałem pieszych i pojazdów poruszających...

Year 2009

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