Better Embedded Labs for More Synergistic Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Better Embedded Labs for More Synergistic Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning

“Better Embedded Labs for More Synergistic Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning” EmbedterLabs project addresses two main areas of current urban planning necessary for transformation by answering two research questions: 1) how to orient live laboratories and experiments to deepen the learning processes and 2) how to adjust the collected insights for effective implementation to enable the transformation of the city. The main feature of our approach is to match better the results of live labs to the existing context. This is possible by extending the established process of developing city policies by involving an increasingly diverse set of decision-makers in the laboratory's activities. The new approach improves the impact of experimental processes in two ways: (1) it improves the learning during the experiment (i.e. not only by asking questions like 'how can a new innovation be promoted?' But also: 'how can existing policies be adapted to prevent the inhibition of new innovation?). and (2) it improves the diffusion of lessons learned from experimentation into established planning and management structures. A novel approach is developed, tested and refined on the basis of a retrospective analysis of successful and poorly embedded living laboratories in Gdańsk, Stockholm and Maastricht. All three cities and public administrations in our consortium already have experience with living laboratory formats. Of these three cities, Gdańsk adopted the concept of living labs relatively recently, conducting research on how to integrate it in the context of the impact of post-communist heritage - a time when residents had few opportunities to get involved and participate in the decision-making process. Stockholm is a world leader in sustainable urban development and has implemented many living laboratory projects under prestigious projects. Maastricht is below the Dutch average in terms of public space sustainability indicators (Telos 2020) but has advanced experience with living labs (under the M-Lab umbrella) In all cities, the organizations involved in the implementation welcome these experiments and have become co-applicants or cooperation partners


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
UMO-2021/03/Y/HS6/00199 z dnia 2022-03-01
Realisation period:
2022-03-01 - 2025-09-28
Research team leader:
dr inż. arch. Joanna Bach-Głowińska
Team members:
Realised in:
Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning
External institutions
participating in project:
  • city of Stockholm (Sweden)
  • City of Maastricht (Netherlands)
  • Uppsala University (Sweden)
  • University of Maastricht (Netherlands)
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
  • Maastricht Bereikbaar (Accessible) (Netherlands)
  • Gdansk Inkubator Starter (Poland)
  • SWECO (Sweden)
  • city of Gdansk (Poland)
  • Community of Gdańsk Foundation (Poland)
Project's value:
3 501 675.97 PLN
Request type:
International Research Programmes
International project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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