Design and manufacturing of a carbon fibre monocoque for Formula Student car including study and analysis of composite sandwich panels - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Design and manufacturing of a carbon fibre monocoque for Formula Student car including study and analysis of composite sandwich panels

The aim of this project is to study, design and manufacture a composite chassis for a Formula Student car. Using carbon fibre reinforced plastics in prepreg technology allows for ideal ratio of reinforcement to matrix, what directly corresponds to highest possible strength with the lowest possible weight. However curing prepreg composites requires high pressures combined with high temperatures which can only be achieved in special type of oven called autoclave. Developing this kind of structure will expand team members’ knowledge in field of high-tech composite materials. Working together on project like this will improve soft skills among project participants. During design phase complex 3D geometry will be developed. Next step will consist of creating composite sandwich panel samples and destructive testing which will be used to validate finite element analysis. To create this kind of structure it is neccesary to design and manufacture needed tooling - mainly moulds starting with positive and finishing with negative which will be made using the same material and manufacturing proccess as final product. Finally negative mould will be used during carbon fibre layup using fibre orientation which was tested earlier. This kind of composite chassis will weight around 20 kg compared to 30kg of similar size space frames while having higher torsional stiffness.


Financial Program Name:
Studenckie koła naukowe tworzą innowacje
Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
Realisation period:
2024-06-15 - 2025-06-15
Project manager:
dr inż. Bogdan Ścibiorski
Realised in:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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