Design a multihead 3D printing system for production of biocompatible scaffolds based on the unstable form of chitosan hydrogel doped with agarose. - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Design a multihead 3D printing system for production of biocompatible scaffolds based on the unstable form of chitosan hydrogel doped with agarose.

The project has two main research goals. The implementation of the first involves the development of a commercially unavailable multi-head device for the additive bioproduction of cell scaffolds.  Created from scratch 3D bio-printer will be adapted to work in sterile conditions and equipped with 2 syringe heads and 1 head for thermoplastics, driven by stepper motors. The second goal is to create an antimicrobial bio-ink based on chitosan hydrogel obtained with an innovative CO2 saturation method and doped with agarose. The chitosan hydrogel obtained in the above manner is characterized by increased biocompatibility compared to the hydrogels of the same polymer obtained by classical dissolution in acid solutions. It in the only one form of unmodified chitosan able to form liquid composites with agarose, the rheology of which can be controlled only by temperature change. Bio-prints obtained because of the implementation of both research goals will be characterized in terms of physicochemical and biological requirements for cell scaffolds.


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
DEC-10/2021/IDUB/I.3.3 z dnia 2022-02-21
Realisation period:
2022-03-01 - 2024-02-29
Research team leader:
dr inż. Szymon Mania
Team members:
  • Investigator dr hab. inż. Robert Tylingo
  • Investigator dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Lentka
  • Investigator mgr inż. Adrianna Banach-Kopeć
  • Investigator mgr inż. Mateusz Cieślik
Realised in:
Department of Chemistry, Technology and Biochemistry of Food
Project's value:
299 146.00 PLN
Request type:
Domestic project
Verified by:
No verification

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