Energy BIOmass CULtivation on marginal soils enhanced with biochar amendments fertilized with by-product in order to reduce nutrients leaching

- Project's acronym:
- Financial Program Name:
- Organization:
- Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki
- Agreement:
- DEC-3/2022/IDUB/II.2/Sc z dnia 2022-08-25
- Realisation period:
- 2022-10-01 - 2025-10-31
- Research team leader:
- dr inż. Nicole Nawrot
- Team members:
- specialist - researcher prof. dr hab. inż. Ewa Wojciechowska
- contractor dr inż. Karolina Matej-Łukowicz
- Realised in:
- Department of Sanitary Engineering
- External institutions
participating in project: -
- Aarhus University (Denmark)
- University of Eastern Finland (Finland)
- Project's value:
- 289 190.00 PLN
- Request type:
- Different
- Domestic:
- Domestic project
- Verified by:
- No verification
seen 110 times