Influence of biochar modification on changes in its properties in relation to the use in wastewater treatment in green wall systems - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Influence of biochar modification on changes in its properties in relation to the use in wastewater treatment in green wall systems

The use of biochar, i.e. pyrolysed biomass, is becoming more and more common for energy purposes. Research also indicates the possibility of using this material in wastewater treatment processes or in agriculture. The sorption analyzes of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds carried out so far confirm various, often contradictory reports on the adsorption of these compounds on biochar. Therefore, an attempt was made to modify biochar in order to create an active biochar, called the designed biochar. These modifications concern physical (temperature rise, fragmentation) and chemical (addition of elements) properties. In the proposed research, biochar will be used to improve the processes of removing nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from gray wastewater using the green wall system. In the context of phosphorus removal, chemical modifications consisting in the addition of ions such as Ca2 +, Cu2 +, Fe3 + are particularly promising.


Financial Program Name:
Narodowe Centrum Nauki (NCN) (National Science Centre)
Realisation period:
unknown - unknown
Project manager:
dr inż. Karolina Matej-Łukowicz
Realised in:
Department of Sanitary Engineering
Request type:
National Research Programmes
Domestic project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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