Extended Reality for Machine Tool Training - Project - Bridge of Knowledge


Extended Reality for Machine Tool Training

The project addresses the priority of adapting vocational education and training to labor market needs by providing a training and assessment platform that offers an immersive, hands-on learning experience for trainees to acquire skills and knowledge in operating CNC machine tools. The use of XR technology eliminates the need for physical infrastructure and equipment, reducing costs and enabling remote access to training, making it more accessible and attractive to learners and industry stakeholders. The project also contributes to the priority of innovation in vocational education and training through the use of XR technology. By simulating real-life scenarios and conditions, the platform offers a more intuitive and realistic training experience that aligns with the needs and preferences of today's learners. The use of state-of-the-art VR and AR technologies provides an immersive and interactive learning experience that enables trainees to acquire skills and knowledge through active participation and engagement. This approach aligns with the growing trend towards experiential and active learning, which has been shown to enhance learning outcomes and improve retention and recall. The platform's immersive and interactive learning experience is also designed to appeal to tech-savvy learners, who are increasingly seeking out innovative and engaging training methods. Moreover, the platform's focus on safety is critical in the manufacturing industry, where accidents and equipment damage can result in significant costs and disruptions. The simulation environment provides a safe and controlled setting for trainees to practice and develop their skills, minimizing the risk of accidents and equipment damage. In summary, the project provides a comprehensive training and assessment platform that addresses the priority of adapting vocational education and training to labor market needs by offering a well-rounded education in CNC machine tool operation. The project also contributes to the priority of innovation in vocational education and training by leveraging XR technology to provide an immersive and interactive learning experience that aligns with the needs and preferences of today's learners. Finally, the project addresses the priority of increasing the attractiveness of VET by prioritizing accessibility and safety, making training more accessible and appealing to learners and industry stakeholders


Project's acronym:
Financial Program Name:
Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji
Realisation period:
unknown - unknown
Project manager:
dr inż. Marek Chodnicki
Team members:
Realised in:
Division of Mechatronics
External institutions
participating in project:
  • Serbian Chamber of Commerce (Serbia)
  • RIGP (Poland)
  • NTUA (Greece)
  • Uniersytet Techniczny Nisz (Serbia)
Request type:
International Educational Programs
International project
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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