Analytical studies on ascosin, candicidin and levorin multicomponent antifungal antibiotic complexes. The stereostructure of ascosin A2 - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Analytical studies on ascosin, candicidin and levorin multicomponent antifungal antibiotic complexes. The stereostructure of ascosin A2


In the class of polyene macrolides, there is a subgroup of aromatic heptaenes, which exhibit the highest antifungal activity within this type of antibiotics. Yet, due to their complex nature, aromatic heptaenes were not extensively studied and their potential as drugs is currently underexploited. Moreover, there are many inconsistencies in the literature regarding the composition and the structures of the individual components of the aromatic heptaene complexes. Inspired by one of such cases, herein we conducted the analytical studies on ascosin, candicidin and levorin using HPLC-DAD-(ESI)Q-TOF techniques. The resulting chromatograms and the molecular masses of the individual components of these three complexes strongly indicated that the major components of ascosin, candicidin and levorin are structurally identical. In order to validate these results, the main component of previously structurally uncharacterized ascosin was derivatized, isolated and subjected to 2D NMR studies. The resulting structure of the ascosin’s main component, herein named ascosin A2, was shown to be identical with the earlier reported structures of the main components of candicidin and levorin complexes: candicidin D and levorin A2. In the end, all the structural knowledge regarding these three antibiotic complexes was gathered, systematized and completed, and the new nomenclature was proposed.


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artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
Published in:
Scientific Reports no. 7, pages 1 - 9,
ISSN: 2045-2322
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Szczeblewski P., Laskowski T., Kubacki B., Dziergowska M., Liczmańska M., Grynda J., Kubica P., Kot-Wasik A., Borowski E.: Analytical studies on ascosin, candicidin and levorin multicomponent antifungal antibiotic complexes. The stereostructure of ascosin A2// Scientific Reports. -Vol. 7, (2017), s.1-9
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1038/srep40158
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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