Application of the Heavy-Atom Effect for (Sub)microsecond Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and an All-Organic Light-Emitting Device with Low-Efficiency Roll-off
Thefeatureof abundantandenvironmentallyfriendlyheavyatoms(HAs)like bromineto acceleratespin-forbiddentransitionsin organicmoleculeshas beenknownforyears.In combinationwiththe easinessof incorporation,brominederivativesof organicemittersshowingthermallyactivateddelayedfluorescence(TADF)emergeas a cheapand efficientsolutionforthe slowreverseintersystemcrossing(rISC)problemin suchemittersand strongefficiencyroll-offof all-organiclight-emittingdiodes(OLEDs).Here,we presenta comprehensivephotophysicalstudyof atri-PXZ-TRZemitterreportedpreviouslyanditshexabromoderivativeshowinga remarkableenhancementof rISCof up to 9 timesand a shortlifetimeof delayedfluorescenceof 2μs. Analysisof the key molecularvibrationsand TADFmechanismindicatesalmostcompeteblockageof the spin-fliptransitionbetweenthe charge-transferstatesof differentmultiplicity3CT→1CT.In sucha case,rISCas well as its enhancementby the HA is realizedvia the3LE→1CT transition,where3LE is the tripletstatelocalizedon the samebrominatedphenoxazinedonorinvolvedin the formationof the1CT state.Interestingly,the spin−orbitcoupling(SOC)withtwo other3LE statesis negligiblebecausethey are localizedon differentdonorsand not involvedin1CT. Weconsiderthis as an exampleof an additional“localization”criterionthat completesthe well-knownEl Sayedrule on the differentnatureof statesfor nonzeroSOC.The applicativepotentialof sucha hexabromoemitteris testedin a “hyperfluorescent”systemcontaininga red fluorescentdopant(tetraphenyldibenzoperiflanthene,DBP)as an acceptorof Försterresonanceenergytransfer,affordinga narrow-bandred-emittingsystem,withmostof the emissionin the submicroseconddomain.In fact, the fabricatedredOLEDdevicesshowremarkableimprovementof efficiencyroll-offfrom2−4 timesdependingon the luminance,mostlybecauseofthe increaseof the rISCconstantrate and the decreaseof the overalldelayedfluorescencelifetimethanksto the HA effect.
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- Publication version
- Accepted or Published Version
- DOI:
- Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1021/acsami.3c19627
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- Category:
- Articles
- Type:
- artykuły w czasopismach
- Published in:
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
no. 16,
pages 15107 - 15120,
ISSN: 1944-8244 - Language:
- English
- Publication year:
- 2024
- Bibliographic description:
- Mońka M., Gogoc S., Kozakiewicz K., Ievtukhov V., Grzywacz D., Ciupak O., Kubicki A., Bojarski P., Data P., Serdiuk I. E.: Application of the Heavy-Atom Effect for (Sub)microsecond Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and an All-Organic Light-Emitting Device with Low-Efficiency Roll-off// ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces -Vol. 16,iss. 12 (2024), s.15107-15120
- DOI:
- Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1021/acsami.3c19627
- Sources of funding:
- Free publication
- Verified by:
- Gdańsk University of Technology
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