Beneficial effects and potential risks of tomato consumption for human health: An overview - Publication - Bridge of Knowledge


Beneficial effects and potential risks of tomato consumption for human health: An overview


Tomato and its derived products have a very interesting nutritional value in addition to prominent antioxidant,anti-inflammatory, and anticancer activities. In terms of tomatoes are generally quite safe to eat. However,overall consumption varies from individual to individual. Indeed, either beneficial or harmful effects of plantsor their derived products are closely related to quality, including the presence of biologically active compounds.On the other hand, the synthesis and accumulation of these bioactive molecules depends on many other fac-tors, such as environmental conditions. In this sense, this review briefly highlights the relationship betweenthe chemistry of tomato and its derived products and their beneficial or harmful effects on human health, suchas gastroesophageal reflux disease or heartburn, allergies, kidney and cardiovascular disorders, prostate cancer,irritable bowel syndrome, lycopenodermia, body aches, arthritis, and urinary problems.


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Authors (9)

  • Photo of  Bahare Salehi

    Bahare Salehi

    • School of Medicine Bam University of Mecical Sciences
  • Photo of  Razieh Sharifi-Rad

    Razieh Sharifi-Rad

    • Zabol Medicinal Plants Research Center Zabol University of Medicinal Sciences
  • Photo of  Farukh Sharopov

    Farukh Sharopov

    • Department of Pharmaceutical Technology Avicenna Tajiiik State Medicial University
  • Photo of  Amir Roointan

    Amir Roointan

    • Department of Medicinal Biotechnology Shiraz University of Medical Science
  • Photo of  Madhu Kamle

    Madhu Kamle

    • Department of Forestry North Regional Institute of Scince and Technology
  • Photo of  Pradeep Kumar

    Pradeep Kumar

    • Department of Forestry North Regional Institute of Scince and Technology
  • Photo of  Natália Martins

    Natália Martins

    • Faculty of Medicine University of Porto
  • Photo of  Javad Sharifi-Rad

    Javad Sharifi-Rad

    • Food Safety Research Center Semnan university of Medicical Sciences

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artykuł w czasopiśmie wyróżnionym w JCR
Published in:
NUTRITION no. 62, pages 201 - 208,
ISSN: 0899-9007
Publication year:
Bibliographic description:
Salehi B., Sharifi-Rad R., Sharopov F., Namieśnik J., Roointan A., Kamle M., Kumar P., Martins N., Sharifi-Rad J.: Beneficial effects and potential risks of tomato consumption for human health: An overview// NUTRITION. -Vol. 62, (2019), s.201-208
Digital Object Identifier (open in new tab) 10.1016/j.nut.2019.01.012
Verified by:
Gdańsk University of Technology

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