Catalog Publications
Publications starting with: 0-9 clear
total: 289
Catalog Publications
Year 2020
60 GHz Microstrip Van Atta Arrays for Millimeter Wave Identification and Localization
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60 GHz Microstrip Van Atta Arrays for Millimeter Wave Identification and Localization
PublicationIn this paper performance comparison of co-polarized and cross-polarized microstrip Van Atta arrays working in the 60 GHz frequency range is presented. They can be treated as simple chipless RFID tags with frequency response based identification. Tags with three different nominal resonance frequencies of 57, 62 and 67 GHz are designed by scaling optimized base model. Designed 62 GHz co-polarized and cross-polarized arrays with...
PublicationPrzedstawiono liczącą ok. 70 lat historię prac związanych z rozwojem sposobów oceny uziemień wykorzystujących metodę udarową. Pierwsze prace związane z tym zagadnieniem zostały rozpoczęte w połowie ubiegłego wieku na Politechnice Gdańskiej z inicjatywy profesora Stanisława Szpora. Omówiono metodę pomiaru, stosowane kolejne generacje mierników, możliwości oceny uziemień i różne definicje normalizacyjne opisujące właściwości uziemienia...
9,9′-bifluorenylidene derivatives as novel hole-transporting materials for potential photovoltaic applications
Year 2019
100-lecie powstania Bauhausu: 1919-2019
PublicationCelem artykułu jest przypomnienie setnej rocznicy powstania szkoły wzornictwa i architektury Bauhaus. Uczelnia powstała w Dessau i miała ogromny wpływ na rozwój nowoczesnej sztuki - malarstwa, architektury i wzornictwa. Autorzy artykułu przygotowali wystawę poświęconą 100-leciu Bauhausu, która była prezentowana w murach Politechniki Gdańskiej. W artykule wykorzystano fotografie i materiały z tej wystawy. Wystawa i artykuł powstały...
10Kin1day: A bottom-up neuroimaging initiative
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10Kin1day: A Bottom-Up Neuroimaging Initiative
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11 Triennale Małych Form Malarskich
PublicationTriennale Małych Form Malarskich to cykliczny ogólnopolski konkurs zwieńczony wystawą, prezentujący poszukiwania artystów w dziedzinie kameralnej twórczości malarskiej we wszystkich jej odmianach. Organizatorzy pozostawiają malarzom pełną swobodę w wyborze techniki i tematu. Jedyne ograniczenie stanowią wymiary pracy – jej format nie może przekraczać 600 cm2. „Ograniczenie formatowe stawia przed artystami zadanie poszukania nowych...
[18F]Amylovis as a Potential PET Probe for β-Amyloid Plaque: Synthesis, In Silico, In vitro and In vivo Evaluations
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2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
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2019 Guidelines on the management of diabetic patients. A position of Diabetes Poland
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25 years of research and experiences about the application of constructed wetlands in southeastern Poland
PublicationThis paper is a review of research and experiences related to the application of constructed wetland systems (CWs) in southeastern Poland in 1992–2016. On the basis of literature data, a comparison between pollutant removal efficiencies of one-stage and hybrid CWs was made. Some problems regarding the operation of these treatment plants were also presented. Data from various facilities indicate that one-stage CWs with horizontal...
2-Coloring number revisited
Publication2-Coloring number is a parameter, which is often used in the literature to bound the game chromatic number and other related parameters. However, this parameter has not been precisely studied before. In this paper we aim to fill this gap. In particular we show that the approximation of the game chromatic number by the 2-coloring number can be very poor for many graphs. Additionally we prove that the 2-coloring number may grow...
2-D constitutive equations for orthotropic Cosserat type laminated shells in finite element analysis
PublicationWe propose 2-D Cosserat type orthotropic constitutive equations for laminated shells for the purpose of initial failure estimation in a laminate layer. We use nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with asymmetric membrane strain measures and Cosserat kinematics as the framework. This theory is specially dedicated to the analysis of irregular shells, inter alia, with orthogonal intersections, since it takes into account the drilling...
30 lat galerii Milano
PublicationWystawa zorganizowana na 30. Galerii Milano - najstarszej istniejącej prywatnej galerii sztuki w Warszawie- jest wyrazem podziękowania za wiele lat współpracy, zaangażowania, wzajemnego wsparcia i przyjaźni, zarówno z artystami jak i jej klientami. Wydarzenie uhonoruje wiele znakomitych nazwisk świata sztuki. Ekspozycja obejmie najnowsze prace przygotowane na jubileusz przez 70 autorów.
3D Hierarchical Boron-Doped Diamond-Multilayered Graphene Nanowalls as an Efficient Supercapacitor Electrode
PublicationSynthesis of stable hybrid carbon nanostructure for high-performance supercapacitor electrode with long life-cycle for electronic and energy storage devices is a real challenge. Here, we present a one-step synthesis method to produce conductive boron-doped hybrid carbon nanowalls (HCNWs), where sp2-bonded graphene has been integrated with and over a three-dimensional curved wall-like network of sp3-bonded diamond. The spectroscopic...
3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
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3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
PublicationThe article presents a three-phase Medium Frequency Transformer being a part of a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge DC-DC converter. The transformer design is detailed focusing on winding and core power loss calculation. The high power three-phase MFT prototype is presented. The experimental results include the transformer impedance characteristics, no load test and three-phase DAB full load test waveforms
5G Technologies in Intelligent Transport Systems - Architectures, Virtualization and Network Slicing
PublicationIn the paper, 5G communication technologies implemented for Intelligent Transport Systems are discussed. Firstly, the essence of the 5G system concept is presented, and the problem of network functions virtualization (NFV) is analyzed. Moreover, the principle of virtualization is explained. Secondly, the analysis of network slicing is performed, from the point of view of transport systems implementation in the...
9 - Solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells
PublicationIn this chapter, the fundamental reactions, the geometrical designs, the material requirements, and the status of SOFCs and SOECs are presented. In the following seven chapters, the most important components of an SOC are described and the chapter ends with a summary and outlook. The described components are: (i) oxygen-ion conductors (electrolyte), (ii) anode materials for SOFCs (cathode in SOEC mode), (iii) cathode materials...
$^{93m}$Mo Isomer Depletion via Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture: Energy Released for Different Atomic Subshells as Benchmarks for a Beam-based Scenario Approach
Year 2018
PublicationDie Zukunft von Licht und Beleuchtung stand im Mittelpunkt des international ausgerichteten Light Symposiums Wismar (LSW), das vom 4. bis 8. November 2008 im Rahmen des Festjahres zum hundertjährigen Bestehen der Hochschule Wismar an der Fakultät Gestaltung stattfand. Ein weitaus wichtigerer Grund war der Wunsch, das Thema Licht und Gesundheit ganzheitlich zu thematisieren. Licht, Raum und Ästhetik sollten in Kongruenz zum salutogentischen*...
1,4-Bis(2-methylstyryl)benzene doped PMMA fibre for blue range fluorescent applications
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1D portable optical coherence tomography system
Publication—Imaging methods are an expanding branch of technology, which involves data acquisition and analysis of images for research and diagnostics. This paper has been devoted to the description of the optical design for a one-dimensional, portable optical coherence tomography (OCT) system. The Mach-Zehnder interferometer has been designed in the presented study. The description of the construction and applied hardware solutions have...
1-(N-Acylamino)alkyltriarylphosphonium Salts with Weakened Cα-P+ Bond Strength—Synthetic Applications
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2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
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2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension
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2018 Practice guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension
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2018 Practice Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology and the European Society of Hypertension
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2018 Practice guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension
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3-D finite-difference time-domain modelling of ground penetrating radar for identification of rebars in complex reinforced concrete structures
PublicationThis paper presents numerical and experimental investigations to identify reinforcing bars using the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method. A novel element of the paper is the inspection of different arrangements of reinforcement bars. Two particular problems, i.e. detection of few adjacent transverse bars and detection of a longitudinal bar located over or under transverse reinforcement, have been raised. An attention was also...
3D laser scanning in civil engineering - measurements of volume of earth masses
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3D Model Preparing Patterns for Interactive Urban Visualization - Guidelines for Graphic Designers Preparing 3D Models for Virtual Reality Applications
PublicationWhile working on architectural visualizations, the software developer often has to work with graphic designers who create models in a different environment what can cause many complications. For this reason, it is very important to have some guidelines which can protect both the developer and the designer from commixing mistakes. The paper presents a list of such guidelines based on the authors’ experience. The reader can treat...
PublicationDespite the increasing availability of measured laser scanning data and their widespread use, there is still the problem of rapid and correct numerical interpretation of results. This is due to the large number of observations that carry similar information. Therefore, it is necessary to extract from the results only the essential features of the modelled objects. Usually, it is based on a process using filtration, followed by...
3D Object Shape Reconstruction from Underwater Multibeam Data and Over Ground Lidar Scanning
PublicationThe technologies of sonar and laser scanning are an efficient and widely used source of spatial information with regards to underwater and over ground environment respectively. The measurement data are usually available in the form of groups of separate points located irregularly in three-dimensional space, known as point clouds. This data model has known disadvantages, therefore in many applications a different form of representation,...
4D Models in World Wide Web
PublicationThe paper presents some results of research curried out within the framework of the European project named "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). One of the main project aims were to develop a methodology for sharing multi-temporal information via the Internet (webGIS) for remote analysis of structures and landscapes over time. Reported in this paper results are focused on testing two technologies (Hexagon and Esri) for online...
5-Selenocyanato and 5-trifluoromethanesulfonyl derivatives of 2′-deoxyuridine: synthesis, radiation and computational chemistry as well as cytotoxicity
Publication5-Selenocyanato-2′-deoxyuridine (SeCNdU) and 5-trifluoromethanesulfonyl-2′-deoxyuridine (OTfdU) have been synthesized and their structures have been confirmed with NMR and MS methods. Both compounds undergo dissociative electron attachment (DEA) when irradiated with X-rays in an aqueous solution containing a hydroxyl radical scavenger. The DEA yield of SeCNdU significantly exceeds that of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU), remaining...
9. Charytatywna aukcja sztuki współczesnej na rzecz dzieci z autyzmem Aperio
Year 2017
1,3,4-Thiadiazole-based diamides: Synthesis and complexation properties
PublicationAromatic diamides, derivative of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid and isophthalic acid, bearing 1,3,4-thiadiazole residue were prepared with satisfactory yields in conventional procedures and microwave stimulated reactions. X-ray structure of N,N-bis (1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide (2) DMSO solvate (2DMSO) was described. Selective zinc(II), lanthanum(III), terbium(III) and L-tyrosine recognition was found for N,N-bis(1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-2,6-pyridinedicarboxamide...
13th International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities and First Joint Meeting of the International Research Society on Spinal Deformities and the Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment – SOSORT-IRSSD 2016 meeting
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1-Imidoalkylphosphonium salts with modulated Cα–P+ bond strength: synthesis and application as new active α-imidoalkylating agents
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1st Academic Conference "Areas of Finnish Studies: Language, Culture and Nation", organised on the occasion of the centenary of Finnish independence (Gdańsk, 15-16 May 2017)
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20+ years of Polish residential real estate prices – a house price index proxy
PublicationInformation on house prices is often considered crucial when assessing developments in economy. However, in Poland for the long time house prices haven’t been tracked in an organized manner. Recent developments, most notably house price indices developed by Poland’s national bank and by the statistical office do not go back more than 10 years, therefore data series are relatively short compared to those of other macroeconomic data. In...
3 d 3 system – Comparison of Mn 4+ and Cr 3+ in different lattices
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3-Acyloketeny generowane z 5-acylo-2,2-dimetylo-1,3-dioksa-4,6-dionów w syntezie mono i bicyklicznych układów β-laktamowych
PublicationZakres rozprawy obejmuje dwa zróżnicowane tematycznie zagadnienia. Zasadniczy fragment opisuje próby stereoselektywnej syntezy układów β-laktamowych na drodze cykloaddycji ketenów generowanych termicznie z pochodnych kwasu Meldruma z iminami. Pozostałą część badań stanowi wątek cyklizacji metatetycznych. Zagadnienie stereoselektywnej syntezy β-laktamów w wyniku cykloaddycji aldimin do generowanych termicznie z rozkładu pochodnych...
3D Printing of Metallic Implants
PublicationThe fabrication of various elements, solid and open porous structures of stainless steel and Ti alloy is described. The process was started with the design of 3D models in CAD/CAM system. The 3D models were transformed into *.stl files and then the manufacturing process of the real structures by means of the selective laser melting with the SLM Realizer 100 3D printer was made. The paper shows the porous specimens made for possible...
4D Reconstruction and Visualisation of Krakow Fortress
PublicationThe specific aim of the European project named "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2) and reported in this paper is to fully integrate the fourth dimension (4D) into Cultural Heritage studies for analysing structures and landscapes over time. Krakow-the Fortress City (Poland) is the one of four case studies of the CHT2, which are used for the time varying reconstruction, analysis, visualization, and preservation. The goal of...
5 urodziny sztuki Trójmiasta
Year 2016
18th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals
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2015. Motion analysis of a kitesurfer employing a vision-based measurement system
PublicationAbstract. Kitesurfing is a relatively new phenomenon with rising popularity worldwide – a recently developed extreme watersport considered a high-risk injury sport. It combines elements of several other sports, in particular, sailing, surfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding, and snowboarding. The main purpose of authors’ research in the present paper is to use a vision-based system for measuring a kitesurfer’s body movements in order...