Catalog Publications
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Catalog Publications
Year 2020
Benthic fluxes of oxygen and nutrients under the influence of macrobenthic fauna on the periphery of the intermittently hypoxic zone in the Baltic Sea
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Berry fruit juices protect lymphocytes against DNA damage and ROS formation induced with heterocyclic aromatic amine PhIP
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Beyond quid pro quo: good soldiers and characteristics of their helping behaviours
PublicationPurpose – Good soldiers are people who engage in citizenship behaviours “to do good” instead of “to look good”. The purpose of this article is to explore the motivations behind and the specific characteristics of behaviours of the good soldiers in the context of work using social exchange theory (SET) as a theoretical framework. Design/methodology/approach – 47 dyadic interviews with 94 individuals from three organisations...
Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski w kontekście neoimperialnej polityki Rosji oraz współpracy europejskiej i transatlantyckiej: Polska jako hub gazowy
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Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne Świat-Europa-Kaukaz-Polska
PublicationW ostatnich dziesięcioleciach bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne należą do najbardziej dynamicznych strumieni międzynarodowych przepływów gospodarczych obok przepływów towarów i usług. Procesy liberalizacji i regionalizacji w dużej mierze przyczyniły się do rosnących przepływów bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych w gospodarce światowej. Przemieszczanie się kapitału w skali międzynarodowej stało się jednym z głównych, i najbardziej...
Bezzałogowy kołowy pojazd elektryczny do automatycznego wychodzenia z poślizgów
PublicationPojazdy bezzałogowe znajdują zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach współczesnego świata. Pojazdy autonomiczne wraz z algorytmami wspomagającymi kierowanie pojazdami skupiają uwagę wielu zespołów inżynierskich. Jednym z ważniejszych aspektów bezpieczeństwa na drogach jest wspomaganie zapobiegania i wychodzenia z poślizgów w dynamicznym środowisku. Artykuł przedstawia projekt oraz wykonanie bezzałogowego pojazdu kołowego zdolnego do automatycznego...
Będziesz lubić to, co lubisz
PublicationFelieton popularno-naukowy dotyczący powstawania baniek informacyjnych/baniek filtrujących.
Bibliografia podmiotowa
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Bibliografia przedmiotowa
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Bibliografie słowników przekładowych jako narzędzie rekonstrukcji dziejów oraz oceny stanu i dorobku słownikarstwa narodowego (w świetle nowych danych)
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Biblioteka PG uzyskała dofinansowanie z Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Publication„Konserwacja, digitalizacja i udostępnienie 15 wol. zbiorów historycznych z kolekcji Biblioteki PG” to tytuł kolejnego projektu zakwalifikowanego do finansowania w ramach programu ogłoszonego przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego – Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki. Biblioteka otrzyma wsparcie w wysokości 121 tys. zł, przy czym wartość całego przedsięwzięcia wyniesie 136,5 tys. zł.
Bidirectional Fragment to Fragment Links in Wikipedia
PublicationThe paper presents a WikiLinks system that extends the Wikipedia linkage model with bidirectional links between fragments of the articles and overlapping links’ anchors. The proposed model adopts some ideas from the research conducted in a field of nonlinear, computer-aided writing, often called a hypertext. WikiLinks may be considered as a web augmentation tool but it presents a new approach to the problem that addresses the specific...
Bifunctional magnetic-upconverting luminescent cellulose fibers for anticounterfeiting purposes
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PublicationThe article presents an overview of the most important issues related to the phenomenon called big data. The characteristics of big data concerning the data itself and the data sources are presented. Then, the big data life cycle concept is formulated. The next sections focus on two big data technologies: MapReduce for big data processing and NoSQL databases for big data storage.
Bilge water separation by membrane distillation
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Bimodal Nd-Doped LuVO4 Nanoprobes Functionalized with Polyacrilic Acid for X-Ray Computed Tomography and NIR Luminescent Imaging
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Bioaccessibility of anti-AGEs activity, antioxidant capacity and phenolics from water biscuits prepared from fermented buckwheat flours
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Bioavailability of Tannins and Other Oligomeric Polyphenols: a Still to Be Studied Phenomenon
PublicationPurpose of Review Polyphenols are a group of plant secondary metabolites characterized with the presence ofmultiples of phenol structural units. Tannins are plant originated phenolic substances, which play an important role in plant defense system as well as have found applications in medicine, industry, and other fields of human activity. Despite these, the mechanisms of bioavailability of these substances are poorly studied and...
Biobased Polyethylene Hybrid Composites with Natural Fiber: Mechanical, Thermal Properties, and Micromechanics
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Bio-Based Polyurethane Composites and Hybrid Composites Containing a New Type of Bio-Polyol and Addition of Natural and Synthetic Fibers
PublicationThis article describes how new bio-based polyol during the liquefaction process can be obtained. Selected polyol was tested in the production of polyurethane resins. Moreover, this research describes the process of manufacturing polyurethane materials and the impact of two different types of fibers—synthetic and natural (glass and sisal fibers)—on the properties of composites. The best properties were achieved at a reaction temperature...
Biochar-assisted transformation of engineered-cerium oxide nanoparticles: Effect on wheat growth, photosynthetic traits and cerium accumulation
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Biochar-induced immobilization and transformation of silver-nanoparticles affect growth, intracellular-radicles generation and nutrients assimilation by reducing oxidative stress in maize
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Biochemical characterization of micropropagated Ceratonia siliqua L. under effect of growth regulators and light quality
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Bioconversion of marine waste biomass for biofuel and value-added products recovery
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Biodentine™ – use in dentistry. Literature review
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Biodiversity of Weeds in Fields of Grain in South-Eastern Poland
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Bioelectronic tongue: Current status and perspectives
PublicationIn the course of evolution, nature has endowed humans with systems for the recognition of a wide range of tastes with a sensitivity and selectivity which are indispensable for the evaluation of edibility and flavour attributes. Inspiration by a biological sense of taste has become a basis for the design of instruments, operation principles and parameters enabling to mimic the unique properties of their biological precursors. In...
Bioenergy recovery from food processing wastewater—Microbial fuel cell
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Biofilm Growth Causes Damage to Silicone Voice Prostheses in Patients after Surgical Treatment of Locally Advanced Laryngeal Cancer
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Biofortification of Hens Eggs with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids by New Dietary Formulation: Supercritical Microalgal Extract
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Biogenne aminy
PublicationW rozdziale omówiono zagadnienia związane z powstawaniem biogennych amin w surowcach i produktach żywnościowych oraz ich wpływ na zdrowie konsumentów.
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Biohydrogen production from seagrass via novel energetically efficient ozone coupled rotor stator homogenization
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Biohythane production from food processing wastes – Challenges and perspectives
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Biological activities of leaf extracts from selected Kalanchoe species and their relationship with bufadienolides content
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Biological Activity and Antibiofilm Molecular Profile of Citrus aurantium Essential Oil and Its Application in a Food Model
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Biological and Agrotechnical Aspects of Weed Control in the Cultivation of Early Potato Cultivars under Cover
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Biological and mechanical properties of bone cement with nanoarticles - in vitro and in vivo research
PublicationDespite antibiotic preventive treatment both before and after implant implementation, the risks of infection are real. These infections develop at the implant surface a few months after inserting them into the body. To prevent the development of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection, implants coated with nanoparticles are used. The Mechanical Department of the Technical University of Gdansk carries out research into using bone...
Biological Control Based on Microbial Consortia – From Theory to Commercial Products
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Biological Control Potential of Native Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) against Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
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Biological Therapies in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
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Biomateriały we współczesnej medycynie
PublicationBiomedycyna oznacza eksperymentalne biologiczne i medyczne nauki zintegrowane w całość, w tym nauki chemiczne o związkach wielkocząstoczkowych.
Biopartitioning micellar electrokinetic chromatography – Concept study of cationic analytes
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Biopesticides, Safety Issues and Market Trends
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Biorefinery of spent coffee grounds waste: Viable pathway towards circular bioeconomy
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Biosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles with antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant and photocatalytic activities by the endophytic Alternaria tenuissima
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Bioterroryzm we współczesnym świecie
PublicationW definicji wojny biologicznej ważne są słowa dotyczące zastosowania osiągnięć nauki, ponieważ do świadomego i celowego korzystania z broni biologicznej wymagane jest zrozumienie choroby. Gwałtowny rozwój nauk biologicznych i towarzyszące mu liczne odkrycia doprowadziły do większego zainteresowania się bronią biologiczną. Doskonalono techniki hodowli i izolacji kultur mikrobiologicznych. Artykuł opisuje czym jest bioterroryzm i...
Biscuits from Fermented Roasted Buckwheat Flour - Phenolics Profile and Bioaccessible Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Activity
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Bismuth-Doped Nano Zerovalent Iron: A Novel Catalyst for Chloramphenicol Degradation and Hydrogen Production
PublicationIn this study, we showed that doping bismuth (Bi) at the surface of Fe0 (Bi/Fe0, bimetallic iron system)—synthesized by a simple borohydride reduction method—can considerably accelerate the reductive degradation of chloramphenicol (CHP). At a reaction time of 12 min, 62, 68, 74, 95, and 82% degradation of CHP was achieved with Fe0, Bi/Fe0-1 [1% (w/w) of Bi], Bi/Fe0-3 [3% (w/w) of Bi], Bi/Fe0-5 [5% (w/w) of Bi], and Bi/Fe0-8 [8%...