Catalog Publications
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Catalog Publications
Year 2016
High Temperature Corrosion Evaluation of Porous Hastelloy X Alloy in Air and Humidified Hydrogen Atmospheres
PublicationIn this work a commercially available porous Hastelloy X alloy is characterized in terms of high temperature corrosion resistance. The alloy was oxidized in the temperature range from 500C to 900C in air and humidified hydrogen for 100 hours. Corrosion rates and porosity changes were measured. Microstructural characterization was performed using X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy. Results show that porous alloys...
High temperature drying of beech with content of tension wood
PublicationThe presented artcle is focused on comparison of tension and normal wood of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in a high-temperature drying process. Samples of 26 mm thickness were selected from sapwood zone with different angle of growth rings. The article evaluated properties of tension and normal wood before and after drying process. Properties which are monitored were moisture, moisture gradients, covering tests, colour changes and...
Higher harmonics produced by traction substations – computer modelling and experimental verification
PublicationVoltage and current harmonics have a detrimental effect on the components of a power system. Current harmonics may result in the overload and damage to power transformers, although the rms value of load current does not exceed their current-carrying capacity. Voltage harmonics may result in, for example, damage to capacitor banks used to compensate reactive power. Devices which contribute to both current and voltage distortion...
High-Level Model for the Design of KPIs for Smart Cities Systems
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to build a high-level model for the design of KPIs. Currently, the development and processes of cities have been checked by KPI indicators. The authors realized that there is a limited usability of KPIs for both the users and IT specialists who are preparing them. Another observation was that the process of the implementation of Smart Cities systems is very complicated. Due to this the concept of a...
Highly efficient rutile TiO2 photocatalysts with single Cu(ii) and Fe(iii) surface catalytic sites
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Highly stable organic–inorganic junction composed of hydrogenated titania nanotubes infiltrated by a conducting polymer
PublicationA poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) conducting polymer doped with poly(2-styrene sulfonate) (pEDOT:PSS) was efficiently electrodeposited on a layer composed of ordered titania nanotubes. TiO2 nanotubes were formed during an anodization process and, after calcinations, a layer was subjected to hydrogen plasma. Hydrogenation leads to Ti(III) formation, a decrease in resistance, and a huge increase of donor density when compared with...
Highly thermostable RadA protein from the archaeon Pyrococcus woesei enhances specificity of simplex and multiplex PCR assays
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High-order compact difference algorithm on half-staggered meshes for low Mach number flows
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High-precision bearing estimation for active sonar with cylindrical array performed by interpolated array transformation
PublicationThe article presents a method for improving the accuracy of bearing in multibeam sonar with a cylindrical array. The antenna’s non-linear shape and the resulting non-uniform sampling of the signal in space, mean that known methods of high-resolution spectral analysis cannot be used. In order to apply an algorithm from this group, a linear virtual antenna must be produced. The paper presents a technique of mapping a cylindrical...
High-Precision FIR-Model-Based Dynamic Weighing System
PublicationConveyor belt-type checkweighers are increasingly popular components of modern production lines. They are used to assess the weight of the produced items in motion, i.e., without stopping them on the weighing platform. The main challenge one faces when designing a dynamic weighing system is providing high measurement accuracy, especially at high conveyor belt speeds. The approach proposed in this paper can be characterized as a...
High-quality academic teachers in business school. The case of The University of Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationThe Bologna process, the increasing number of higher education institutions, the mass education and the demographic problems make the quality of education and quality of the academic teachers a subject of wide public debate and concern. The aim of the paper is to identify the most preferred characteristics of a teacher working at a business school. The research problem was: What should a high-quality business school academic teacher...
High-Speed Room Temperature Terahertz Detectors Based on InP Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
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Histogram of Oriented Gradients with Cell Average Brightness for Human Detection
PublicationA modification of the descriptor in a human detector using Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is presented. The proposed modification requires inserting the values of average cell brightness resulting in the increase of the descriptor length from 3780 to 3908 values, but it is easy to compute and instantly gives ≈ 25% improvement of the miss rate at 10‒4 False Positives Per Window (FPPW). The...
PublicationOpisano działania, których celem jest propagowanie historii elektrotechniki, wybitnych elektryków i ich osiągnięć. Przedstawiono muzea i obiekty historyczne, w których przechowywane i eksponowane są zabytki techniki. Przypomniano działania upamiętniające zasłużonych elektrotechników: monografie, patronaty, nazwy ulic, emisje medali i walorów filatelistycznych.
Historia sanitacji i rozwój systemów kanalizacyjnych dużych miast, cz. I
PublicationHistoryczne aspekty odprowadzania i oczyszczania ścieków od starożytności po dzień dzisiejszy oraz rozwój systemów kanalizacyjnych na przykładzie dużych miast europejskich. Omówienie historii kanalizacji w Gdańsku w części pierwszej artykułu. Rozwiązania systemów kanalizacyjnych Budapesztu, Oslo, Pragi, Paryża i Wiednia jako temat kolejnych części.
Holistic approach to human resources and organizational acceleration
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Hollow carbon sphere/metal oxide nanocomposites anodes for lithium-ion batteries
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Honey bees and their products - bioindicators of environmental contamination
PublicationHuman activities produce contaminants, the amounts and toxicity of which often exceed the environment’s homeostatic capacity to cleanse itself. Hence, the systematic analysis and monitoring of the environment is increasingly a matter of urgency. Honey bees, thanks to their morphological features, and also bee products are regarded as good indicators of environmental pollution by toxic substances, be these heavy metals, radioactive...
HOPE-3, SPRINT, VALUE and a meta-analysis of trials in patients with diabetes support treatment of hypertension to a target below 140 mmHg
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Hospital as a landscape mark
PublicationHalf of the nineteenth century brought significant changes in the organization and operation of hospitals. The on-coming takeover by the state and its agencies tasks related to medical care resulted in a significant jump in quantitative and almost massive construction of new hospitals. Several hospitals and nursing homes functioned on a relatively small area of a city or town, with different specializations and profiles of care....
How important are scaffolds and their surface properties in regenerative medicine
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How Important Is Research on Pollution Levels in Antarctica? Historical Approach, Difficulties and Current Trends
PublicationDespite the fact that Antarctica is a continent notably free from large negative impact of human activities, literature data can be the basis for concluding that this is not an area free from anthropogenic pollutants. Pollutants, which are identified in various elements of the environment of Antarctica, are mostly connected with long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) and deposition in this area. The study presents: a historical...
How Much Can We Learn from a Single Chromatographic Experiment? A Bayesian Perspective
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How to apply the probabilistic model of measurement processes successfully
PublicationApplicational aspects of probabilistic model of measurement processes, proposed by G.B. Rossi, are considered. The main idea of the model - using of Bayes-Laplace postulate for solution of inverse probability problem, is substituted by Fisher's concept of the likelihood function, expressed in the data translated format. This approach gives a clear-sighted solution of inverse probability. Some recommendations for application of...
PublicationThis article describes the considerations for the implementation of the Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology in small and medium-sized enterprises. Pilot research was conducted in Polish and French SMEs (nine Polish and nine French enterprises from the service and production sectors) referring to the context of the implementation and application of the Lean Six Sigma concept. The studies led to the identification of the motives, needs,...
How to deal with knowledge in small companies? Defining emergent KM approach
PublicationThis paper examines the concept of emergent KM approach in small companies. The origins of consideration are grounded in the theory of strategic management literature and in particular in the distinction between deliberate versus emergent approach towards strategic planning. Using the methodology of case study, we carried out an explorative research to analyse the characteristics of KM approach in two small companies located in...
How to define and measure informal employment in CEE countries - the case of Poland
PublicationThe study of informal employment is still associated with several obstacles, from the scope of definition, through measurement methods, to policy recommendations. This article aims to revise the existing methodological frames in order to point out how to improve the study of informal employment in CEE countries. The case of Poland serves to examine whether the common definitions and measurement methods are suitable for an inclusive...
PublicationThe main aim of this article is to point out the possible measures of how to improve the study of informal employment in developed countries. We choose the case of Poland to examine whether the existing definitions and measurement methods are suitable for indicating the prevalence of informal employment. Firstly, we present the most popular definitions of informal employment, secondly we show the existing research on informal employment...
How to Design Affect-aware Educational Systems – the AFFINT Process Approach
PublicationComputer systems, that support learning processes, can adapt to the needs and states of a learner. The adaptation might directly address the knowledge deficits and most tutoring systems apply an adaptable learning path of that kind. Apart from a preliminary knowledge state, there are more factors, that influence education effectiveness and among those there are fluctuating emotional states. The tutoring systems may recognize or...
How to provide fair service for V2I communications in VANETs?
PublicationIn this paper, we focus on fairness issues of Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. In particular, we show that under a common technique of selection of RSUs by OBUs based on the received signal strength, a vast variability of a number of OBUs connected to RSUs can be observed leading to inefficient/unfair service provided by RSUs. To overcome this problem, we propose an algorithm for RSU selection called RSEL to obtain...
How to teach architecture? – Remarks on the edge of Polish transformation processes after 1989
PublicationThe political changes in Poland after 1989 have resulted in a whole range of dynamic processes including the transformation of space. Until that time the established institutional framework for spatial, urban and architectural planning policy was based on uniform provisions of the so-called planned economy. The same applied to the training of architects, which was based on a unified profile of education provided at the state’s...
Human Gb3/CD77 synthase reveals specificity toward two or four different acceptors depending on amino acid at position 211, creating Pk, P1 and NOR blood group antigens
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Human movement analysis in evaluation of the risk of falls in younger and older workers while wearing protective footwear
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Hybrid constructed wetlands for the National Parks in Poland - a case study, requirements, dimensioning, preliminary results
PublicationWater and wastewater management, especially in rural areas, greatly affects loads of nutrients discharged to the Baltic Sea. In Poland, this management is unbalanced because of the dispersed development and in many locations con struction of sewerage system is uneconomic or even impossible. For this reason, a significant part of sewage from single-family houses in rural areas must be discharged into domestic sewage systems. The...
Hybrid Fuzzy-Ontological Project Framework of a Team Work Simulation System
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present the project framework for constructing a Software Process Simulation Modeling (SPSM) system. SPSM systems can be used as a virtual environment for the selection of methods and tools of project management in IT support organizations. The constructed system simulates the Scrum methodology, including the management processes and the project roles. For the implementation of Scrum processes, the...
Hybrid Processing: the Impact of Mechanical and Surface Thermal Treatment Integration onto the Machine Parts Quality
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PublicationPolymeric linings of sliding surfaces of the hydrodynamic bearings have been used successfully for over 50 years. Despite of their long history of operation and research, they have not become wide spread in industrial applications. This fact may be surprising, considering th e conclusions that have been published concerning bearing operation and design. This paper summarizes the current...
Hydrodynamiczne dawkowanie zawiesiny ściernej w docieraniu jednotarczowym powierzchni płaskich.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowy hydrodynamiczny system dozowania zawiesiny ściernej w docieraniu jednotarczowym. Ukłąd został podzielony na dwa zasadnicze zespoły. W skład układu wchodzi zbiornik zamknięty wraz z mieszadłem, do którego po napełnieniu zawiesiną ścierną wprowadza się również powietrze pod ciśnieniem, w celu precyzyjnego sterowania wypływu zawiesiny do rozpylacza poprzez zawór sterujący otwarciem i zamknięciem.
Hydrodynamiczne dawkowanie zawiesiny ściernej w docieraniu jednotarczowym powierzchni płaskich
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowy hydrodynamiczny system dozowania zawiesiny ściernej w docieraniu jednotarczowym. Układ został podzielony na dwa zasadnicze zespoły. W skład systemu wchodzi zbiornik zamknięty wraz z mieszadłem, do którego po napełnieniu zawiesiną ścierną wprowadza się również powietrze pod ciśnieniem - w celu precyzyjnego sterowania wypływu zawiesiny do rozpylacza poprzez zawór sterujący otwarciem i zamknięciem.
Hydrogen production from wood waste by mean of dark fermentation
PublicationThe utilization of wood wastes in clean and green chemistry method like by mean of dark fermentation, is a highly desired solution of waste management. In the article model for the estimation hydrogen potential of wood waste is given. The model has been used to calculate the potential theoretical hydrogen mass that can be produced from wood wastes in Pomerania and Silesia: pine, spruce, fir, beech and oak. In the introduction,...
Hydrological Excitations of Polar Motion Derived from Different Variables of Fgoals − g2 Climate Model
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Hydrothermal modification of wheat starch part 1. Effect of particle size on the viscosity of formed pastes
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Hydrothermal modification of wheat starch. Part 2. Thermal characteristics of pasting and rheological properties of pastes
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Hypertension is associated with dysfunction of both peripheral and central auditory system
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Hypertension types defined by clinic and ambulatory blood pressure in 14 143 patients referred to hypertension clinics worldwide. Data from the ARTEMIS study
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Year 2015
Habitat displacement effect between two competing owl species in fragmented forests
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Habitat-related patterns of soft-bottom macrofaunal assemblages in a brackish, low-diversity system (southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationCoastal areas provide a high variety of sedimentary habitats that influence the structure of resident fauna even on small geographical scales. Therefore, examinations of spatial variations in benthic assemblages require background knowledge of the environmental and biotic heterogeneity of habitats in order to understand ecological processes in such areas. The effect of habitat-related abiotic and biological variables on macrofaunal...
Haemocompatibility Of Non-Functionalized And Plasmachemical Functionalized Detonation Nanodiamond Particles
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to present the innovative design of microwave plasma system for modification of detonation nanodiamond particles (DNP) using a special rotating drum placed inside the reactor. Nanodiamond particles manufactured by detonation method reveal the biological activity depending on surface functionalization. Plasmachemical modification of detonation nanodiamond particles gives the possibility of controlling...